poster by Flora Edwards (Layla)
4:54 AM, Tuesday, July 1 2008
“My Higher Self Encourages Me”
Communicated from my Higher Self
OK Annie woke up this morning and her foot booboo was so bad she could not walk. Yes she made it to the bathroom, yes she made it to in here, but it upsets her. She is getting upset about it. Maybe we should talk about what is going on, I hope there is some way I can help her. I don’t like her being this upset, and there is no reason for her to be this upset.
Yes she has a foot booboo. Yes it is an ascension symptom. I don’t care that she can look down and see her foot all swollen, it is still an ascension symptom, there is no illness there is no disease, there is no problem. All she has to do is figure out how to make her foot feel more comfortable. As for walking, what can she do, but do the best she can do. There is nothing to be done but to wait this thing out. It will go away, but meanwhile she has to live with it. And she should try to live with it as best as she can.
From the point of view of Heaven, an ascension symptom is a good thing, not a bad thing. Because it means you are transforming, you are transmuting, you are moving to higher dimension. Strictly speaking this is cause for happiness, joy, congratulations, applause. But discomfort is discomfort. Actually she doesn’t have discomfort, she simply can’t walk, she can’t put weight on that foot.
She didn’t have any emotional problems connected to it till this morning. Because it is 5th day, and because she thought it had been getting better. She got discouraged this morning. But discouraged just means she lost her faith; she has to get it back. I know everything looks bad to her right now. But in fact nothing is bad, except her foot booboo, everything else is fine. She can make a big deal about the foot booboo and say “my whole life is shit.” But her whole life is not shit. She just has a foot booboo. Her whole life is fine.
So my best suggestion to her, is try not to make a big deal about it. It is a very little thing in the scheme of things, it is just a booboo it will go away. It causes a few problems when she has it, but not so many. And after all it is dawn now, the day has begun. Her foot will feel better as the day wears on. It isn’t going to stay this way. So darling let’s be happy, there is so much to be happy for. Life is not tragic. And my sweet sweet darling, you do not know the treats in store for you today. It will be full of treats and you will love them. So put your smile back on your face, lift up your spirits, and know that God is good and loves you with all his heart.
I love you
Your Higher Self
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