"I get by with a little help from my Higher Self.."

Sunday, March 30, 2008

"Watching the News on TV"

photo by D.R,

Communicated by my Higher Self

Sunday morning 10 AM

"Watching the News on TV"

It is beautiful Sunday morning in Tucson. Very Easter Sunday-ish altho Easter Sunday was last week. Blue skies, sunshine, birds on the wing. Warm and sunny and peaceful.

Annie is doing fine. Yes memories of past trauma swim into view. She wonders if she will ever be free of that. And sometimes they cluster and upend her sense of safety. But eventually she gets her balance back.

But other than that, she posts on her news forum in the morning, swims and grocery shops in afternoon, and then watches TV for rest of day.
She has been watching a lot of TV, because she started watching the news channels again.

It is less frustrating to her now than it was 10 years ago, because then when I gave her an insight, she longed to join the discussion on TV, and now she can simply post my insight on her news forum. So she has satisfying balance going on this time. She listens to everything said on TV, then mutes tv, turns her head aside on pillow, hears all my input on it all, and next morning posts it on her forum.

And because of the serious power struggle among the power elites in DC now, the news is very interesting. A war between power elites is serious, and hopefully they will each bring the other down in the process.

On a personal front there is some loosening of embedded ideas. She will switch channels from a news show about current events to watch an old "I Love Lucy" episode, and wonder "is one more real than the other?" I think that is the real advantage she is getting from all her tv watching now. She will switch from watching a war-torn area of the world, to Andy Griffiths in Mayberry, and think "is one more real than the other?" The world gives belief that what is shown on the news is happening in reality, and the "Beverly Hillbillies" is just a tv show, no reality. But these hard and fast distinctions about what is real that the world makes, in Annie's mind it is loosening.

She is beginning to see the world gives credence to one and not the other, but they each can just be different channels on the world's tv, just different shows.

It even crossed her mind last night while she was watching "I Love Lucy," it was an episode she remembered watching when she was 10 years old, and she found it just as fun and funny to watch now as she did back then. She thought "if I Love Lucy has lasted for 50 years but the news from back then has evaporated, is it possible I Love Lucy has more reality to it?"

She is having fun watching the news shows too. Except for a few, they are all familiar faces to her. She got to know each one of these people very well when she watched the TV news shows 24/7 for two years (from '98 to 2000). Her familiarity makes her feel very comfortable watching them, she knows them all, there is affection there. And because she sees with softer eyes now, she is getting to know them all better and liking them a lot more. Plus she is no longer mad at all her "old enemies." She was furious at them back then for suppressing the truth, but now that a different ballgame is being played out in power politics, they are not unilaterally lining up to suppress truth, because they are on various sides within the power struggle.

So Annie is watching them with innocent eyes now, her rage at them has ended. She asked me, "should I forgive them all now, now that they are doing something else, forget what they did?" And I suggested "no, it is better to remember that they demonstrated untrustworthiness when the chips were down." But I am still glad for Annie's sake she sees them with soft eyes now.

All my love to all of you
Annie's Higher Self

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