Tucson painting by Felix Pasilis
7:22 am, Saturday, May 31, 2008
“Happy Adventure Dreams”
(they say life is coming up for roses for all of us now, so is it starting now)
Well what a night of dreams I had! I never had so many and such vivid dreams. I feel as if I spent the night visiting another universe, or a distant shore, because I was in such another place. Even tho I only remember the first dream I had, before I turned off the light and went to sleep for real, my hunch is it set the tone for the rest of the dreams, which I do not remember. I mean it was all a kaleidoscope mix of all the elements which are in my life. Nothing not down to earth took place in it. At least in that first dream. It was the quality of the dream which was so different. And I am assuming the same kind of dreams went on all night. Because I feel like I have been gently dumped back home, after quite an excursion, quite a night, quite a life of dreams; I had a big night, a huge night. But I have a hunch, from the feeling I had when I woke up, that all the dreams were as satisfying as that first one. I woke up with peaceful feeling. I wasn’t in conflict with myself in that first dream, which made it so satisfying. I had my cake and ate it too, and then made the choice which I knew was the right choice. Hahaha I was realistic in my dream. But it was the right kind of realism. I didn’t feel like I was denying myself. I just thought “this is how it is.”
I don’t remember any of the dreams of the long night which followed, but my hunch is I must not have been in conflict with myself, no matter how dramatic and vivid they were, event filled, story filled. As hard as it is to imagine, I must have sailed thru all kinds of stories and dramas, and events, and remained in harmony with myself. It’s hard to believe because I am someone who can be in conflict with herself just from getting out of bed to fetch a glass of water.
If this is the new age, then this is great. I guess I had always pictured a conflict-free life, as one where nothing happens at all. It never occurred to me it could be the reverse. That there would be far bigger adventure, far bigger choices, more expanded events, much more life going on. But if I am not in conflict with myself, then all it is, is thrilling. It just means life without limiting myself. That’s really what happened in the first dream. I wanted what I wanted and I went for it. And I had it and I loved it. And then I made a realistic choice and changed my mind. And I was satisfied with my choice. That is what I mean by saying I had it all. I know what it is, it is a world without guilt. You just try out every experience you want, you have every experience you want. It is like a feast. It’s like having a huge appetite, and up for everything, and an incredible feast laid before you. Life as the buffet of all buffets. And you have whatever you want. And dance with whatever boy you want to. And all the boys are wonderful and there may be one you like a lot. But at the end you say “I’ll go home with this one, but thanks for the wonderful evening.”
And so after my night of dreams I am gently deposited on the shore, with waves gently lapping at my feet. I feel like Odysseus home from wondrous enchanted travels, opening my eyes to the sweet sunshine. Except I am opening them to sweet sunshine in sunlit Tucson backyard, a world of morning doves calling and sparrows flittering around. Nothing could be more peaceful than the scene out my yard. And how nice to open my eyes to it after a night of great dreams, instead of a night of nightmares. Of happy enchanted adventures.
And who knows, maybe this is a taste of how it will be for all of us before the Mass Awakening, two years down the line. Our life will be changed to happy enchanted adventures, instead of how it has been. Dare I hope I am (and all of us too) are all emerging from conflict with ourself, since that seems to be the ticket to all new happiness.
It just feels like a new morning to me....
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