"I get by with a little help from my Higher Self.."

Saturday, October 20, 2007


Morelia, Mexico, by Felix Pasilis

7:23 am Saturday 10/20/07
Communicated by my Higher Self

It’s a lovely early morning in Tucson, the time of perfect weather. When you can still sit bare shouldered in front of open window in cotton skirt and barefoot, and let cool dreamy air waft around your shoulders.

It occurred to Annie this morning (as she was making her coffee and toast, and having the first wake-up thoughts in new day) that right after the mass awakening on the planet, scheduled a few years down the line, people may not feel all that different from how she feels right now. She had assumed there would be sharp dramatic difference, like a movie in black and white suddenly switching to color, but it may be more the wafting experience she has now. As if the sand timer had been tipped over, and grain by grain the other side is filling up. The subtle experience of the old world translated into the new one. She doesn’t feel all that different, but I reminded her that 3 weeks of such discomfort mentally and physically would accompany huge change. A huge change did occur on this planet over past 3 weeks. Everyone may not be feeling all the new feelings she is feeling now, but 3 years down the line, by time the mass ascension takes place, everyone will.

Nothing is different and everything is different at the same time. All the mass ascension will really mean, is that this new perception is shared by all on the planet. It will be the new mass consciousness. Of course that will be incredibly powerful. It will mean all will wake up to this experience of unfolding love. Unfolding love will be all that will be taking place, nothing else. But it won’t be so different from what some, or many, are having now.

It’s like a patch of blue sky, with clouds still all around it. If you are in the blue sky, the blue will just get bluer. After the mass ascension, there won’t be any clouds, it will just be blue sky. But even for anyone now where the sky has not completely cleared up-- because we are all under the same sky, the clouds they may be in, are far less dense, are in the process of clearing up.

That is really all that is happening, the sky is clearing up. And because the sky is your mind, your mind is clearing up. And it is the sun which makes the clouds dissipate, evaporate. And it is the sun of love in your own heart, which makes the clouds in your mind, evaporate.

The only real difference between Annie right now and someone else, is she is watching it happen. But the exact same process is going on for everyone. You are all in this together, it is happening for you all together.

Everyone’s mind is clearing up together. This is the big clearing up. And it is happening now.

Every day is more blue sky and less clouds. Every cloud is lighter than it used to be, and heading towards transparency.

Do you understand what I am trying to say, Annie? It has already started. There is no more waiting. It is here. It is started. Think of it like spring. Once spring has started on the land, it has started everywhere. Tucson with its brighter light and longer light, it advances faster than New York City, where the process is a little slower. Because of the light, Tucson is Jack-and-the-beanstalk land, you plant a seed in the ground and next day it is 6 feet tall. But spring has started everywhere.

By May the whole northern hemisphere is a flower garden. Every tree is in green leaf. But spring started earlier. May’s flower garden is the culmination of what started earlier. And what started earlier is starting now. The spring which leads to the mass ascension.

Spring starts when the tree branches reach straight up to the sky. Usually in early February. Many notice it but few talk about it. Certainly it is not reported in the newspaper. The Daily News back in NYC waits till the first week in May to pronounce in full-page bold letters, "Spring has Sprung!” Whether the New York Daily News will announce in bold letters on full front page, “The Mass Ascension is here!” 3 years from now, is anyone’s guess. But how can the event-oriented media be aware of what is taking place now. That spring began 3 weeks ago, the spring which leads to the mass ascension.

I know it seems less than glorious that everyone’s response to it was to plotz, mentally, physically, emotionally. It is a much prettier image, tree branches shooting straight up to the sky, than throwing up in your backyard, or living on milkshakes from McDonalds because swallowing is so hard. Or sitting at your computer in a funk so deep, you finally click on your old news site, to have anything which will jolt you out of your daze, you are dying for connection.

But darling, all my darlings, you are holding this mass ascension in your hearts. It is you who are giving birth to it. You and nobody but you. All the glorious humans on the planet now are birthing this most magnificent thing which ever happened.

And all 12 universes stand in awe of you. You are the great heroes and heroines of countless millennia. You rose to the occasion. You are great great great miracle workers.

And all of Heaven thanks you from the bottom of their heart.

With greatest of love and applause to all of you,
Annie’s Higher Self

1 comment:

Desert Broom said...

email from my friend

I am having a little difficult time with the concept
that the 2012 change will be subtle. I guess I've
waited for so long it seems that I want a BIG
CHANGE. Although I've noticed some subtle
changes recently and they have been nice.

Hi cookie,
I too was disappointed at idea 2012 would not be HUGE change, but I think I understand that blog better now, I did not understand it at all at first. Imagine that you never saw spring ever before. All you knew was winter. Now it is early February, the branches of trees shoot straight up. So the long march to spring has started. But could you ever picture, looking out at the February landscape, and wearing 3 winter coats, scarf, muffler, hat, gloves -- the glory of mid-May. You wouldn't know about lilac trees blossoming and baby lambs gamboling, and all the birds singing and all the flowers, and all the trees in full leaf, and all the berries, and swimming in delicious lakes. In other words, it will be total and complete transformation in every way. But the process has started now.
I love you.