"I get by with a little help from my Higher Self.."

Friday, December 21, 2007

“Bill’s Upcoming Trip”

"Morelia, Mexico" by Felix Pasilis

8:35 am, Friday, December 21 2007
“Bill’s Upcoming Trip”
Communicated by my Higher Self

It is cloudy and damp morning and Annie is curious how she will get thru the day without her warm bright brilliant sunshine. Altho the first day of cloudy dark chilliness does not bother her, it is only when it goes on too long, that some of her inspiration ebbs.

I am glad she had that contretemps about her forum last night, it answered many unasked questions for her. First she got to hear from me what I want her to be doing now, and then she got to see for herself why she would not want to be on that forum now. So she is settled in her heart about it. It is resolved. Sometimes it is best like this, to leave in an instant, and then take a few days to find out why you did. To make the decision first, and then take time understanding your decision. Of course her decision was made with my help to start with. She did not make that decision on her own.

Bill leaves for San Diego to spend 5 days with his sister day after tomorrow, and naturally this is dramatic for whole household, since trips are something Annie and Billy never do. It is major break in the routine. At first they both looked forward to it, then when it came close to happening, neither wanted it to happen, but now that it is this weekend, they have both accepted it.

The tide turned Wednesday afternoon when Bill took Annie to Grocery Outlet and she did huge shopping for the period when he would be away. Bought all her favorite foods. Altho the day before they both very sensibly went to the mall and got themselves a Christmas present, a small gift, which lifted their spirits mightily. Naturally Annie bought a new pocketbook, her favorite thing to buy, and Bill bought a new sports cap, his favorite thing to buy. And they were both delighted with their purchases. And when they got back home Bill went up on the roof to set up the heat, so if serious cold came in while he was in San Diego, all Annie has to do is move a button to where she wants the heat to be. So far each has been using space heater in their room, rather than heating up the whole house. This is partly a money decision (Annie always has money crunch at this time of year) and partly because she is not ready to shut every window and door in the house. So using space heaters has worked so far. But naturally Bill feels secure knowing that heat is set up, so if it turned bitterly cold while he is gone, Annie and dogs will be warm and toasty. And Annie feels secure about it too.

And yesterday he put back the screen on Annie’s west window, and duct-taped it in place. The likelihood of either dog jumping out, is small. But again there is security, that only wide open windows and doors are to fenced-in yard. And there is the sense that Bill might not have gotten around to setting up the heat or duct-taping the screen back into place if he wasn’t leaving on Sunday. Which has made the upcoming trip seem more like a boon to the household, than the absence of Bill. Because Annie does wonder what it will be like for her and the dogs with him gone. Not only will it mean major changes in routine, he walks the dogs in the morning, they will not have their walks. And he sits outside with dogs in sunshine in morning and draws with sports radio on. That will not happen. And Lulu sleeps in bed with Bill, and has coffee and cake with him in the morning. That will not happen. And warm friendly evenings won’t happen either. Right now it all looks a bit austere to Annie. Especially because it is taking place in mid winter. When he left in June for few days because his Mom went to Heaven, it was mid summer. There was light and warmth galore. It was a different atmosphere.

But there is always trepidation about the unknown. Bill may enjoy his trip a lot more than he thinks right now. There is nothing as wonderful as being with family, when they all adore you and you adore all of them. Especially since this is so totally infrequent in Bill’s life. He will love the warmth of it. And Annie will be so interested to hear the whole story when he gets back home. About both airplane trips there and back, and what they did all day. And what it was like there. Bill is having a bona fide adventure and Annie will want to know all about it. And these are her in-laws she likes hearing about them. And she is so fond of all these people too. They are family to her too, once removed.

All that is left to do is supermarket stop. To get food for the dogs for Annie to cook for them while Bill is away, plus their favorite snacks. And to stop at bank so Bill has cash to take with him. They will do that today. And then I think they all will deeply relax. Because all preparations have been made.

If it weren’t so dreary today and Annie thinking “I can’t imagine going swimming, I can’t imagine driving to supermarket and bank, everything seems so off, and out of the ordinary.” But in fact she will enjoy all this activity and it will make her feel very secure about the upcoming trip.

And I predict both enjoy the 5 days a whole lot more than they think they will. And then will very much enjoy the resumption of their routine when Bill returns home. It will refresh their Tucson life, which is the actual purpose of trips. To raise home life to new level of happiness and stability. To make the right here, right now, shine forth in all its wonderfulness.

All my love, Annie’s Higher Self

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