"I get by with a little help from my Higher Self.."

Saturday, December 22, 2007


Pacifica CA by Felix Pasilis

Communicated by my Higher Self
9:19 Saturday night 12/22/08

The water pipes on roof froze in the night, burst in the morning, and water poured down off the roof and thru the ceiling and walls. But emergency plumber was found and did the repair quickly and efficiently in early afternoon and Bill and Annie went swimming to take their mind off the whole misadventure. It was an unusual day to say the least. Tomorrow morning very early, Bill’s friend Jim picks him up to take him to the airport to start off his San Diego adventure, home with the family for Christmas.

Annie’s email friend Marilyn, they were friends back in NYC, but became close friends on email this summer, is spending this month in Detroit, or a suburb of it, where she grew up. Her mom is in India visiting her other daughter, Marilyn’s sister, who lives there with her family. So Marilyn has the big luxurious house to herself. Altho she doesn’t have a computer there, her mom took her own laptop with her to India, and Marilyn’s computer back on the Lower East Side, is not portable. So Marilyn is in the public library on their computer. So far she has also gone to her favorite hairdresser there, where she goes once a year to get a beautiful haircut.

Annie is enjoying getting these dispatches from Michigan. She spent 9 months in the Midwest, in Ohio and in Ann Arbor and visited Detroit a few times. And also spent a week with her cousin Richie in Madison, Wisconsin. She is extremely fond of the Midwest but does not know it very well. An old thread is being reconnected getting Marilyn’s dispatches from near Detroit. And because it is Marilyn’s hometown where she grew up her emails are filled with familiarity, she is no stranger in this place, she is coming home. Altho she lived on the Lower East Side as long as Annie did and then continued to live there the whole time Annie has been in Tucson. Marilyn is now every inch a New Yorker.

There is quite a lot of movement now. Kenny’s big brother his wife and their kids are coming from New York City to stay with Kenny and Birgitta in Arizona. They have never been here. That will be a 10 days visit. Bill will be with his sister and her family for 5 days. Marilyn will be a month in her old hometown. Helen will fly from Hawaii to Miami, to help Wendy prepare for her birthday party, and then fly home in time for Pat coming down from California (Petaluma) to spend a few weeks with her in Maui. Even some of Annie’s cousins are on the move. Her aunt Mildred back in NYC said Richie is coming in from Madison for 10 days to stay with her, and Alan, her younger son who lives on Long Island, is taking his wife and daughter to Argentina over Christmas vacation.

So many people will not be in their regular spot and if they are, they are having guests, or in Annie’s case, her spouse will be away. Everyone will be having home life and routine different from what they are used to. Everyone will be having big change.

Jan and Harry are not taking a trip nor having visitors, but because they are planning to move East sometime this year, a big change is in their mind.

So 2008 will open up with all these new experiences and 2008 is a pivotal year. Wherever there is gentleness of spirit, life will become so much easier. It won’t matter whether someone is spiritual or not, or espouses any of the new understandings. Just a kind and good heart will be enough. As Helen’s Higher Self explained to Helen this is the start of the era of simplicity. I love it because those who have worked so hard for happiness will have it, and those who have not worked for it, been swept along on the tides, will have it too. Because of the generosity of blessings which are coming in now. God’s creation is loved because it is so loveable.

On the world’s stage the possibility of great miracles exists now. The darkness in the halls of power has never been this dark, but light and hope are emerging where light and hope were never seen before. And Heaven will pour its light wherever the light emerges. It really is a beautiful time.

You will experience the beauty and loveliness in your own life, it may be obscured on the world’s stage. But the light is breaking thru there too. Don’t forget that is how all movement takes place. First in the personal life, then in the political life. And if ever there was a chance for truth to win, now is that time.

So enjoy all the new happiness coming in. You are loved beyond measure forever and ever.

God bless you all, sweet darlings
Annie’s Higher Self

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