"I get by with a little help from my Higher Self.."

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Bill’s back, Helen has birthday party

Pacifica, CA by Felix Pasilis

Bill’s back, Helen has party
Communicated by my Higher Self
9:51 am Sunday 12/30/07

Yesterday was Helen’s birthday and her surprise birthday party. Her Higher Self had suggested Helen reconnect with all her old relationships and after she does that to pour love into her Maui friendships, to make them more real. When Helen sent out invite to all her Maui friends to her surprise birthday party, Annie assumed this was how she was carrying out her Higher Self’s suggestion. Else why have a party?

Helen had hoped they would do 4-way before the party, Annie and Helen and both their Higher Selves, so there would be input from Heaven on the party. But Bill had just returned from San Diego, they were getting their Tucson life reorganized, it wasn’t a convenient time for Annie to be on the phone. So Annie spent all day yesterday, the day of Helen’s birthday and the day of her party, praying for happy birthday and happy party for Helen and for all.

She has not yet heard back form Helen how it all went.

Bill’s return has been pleasant. His absence was stressful. Just because it was such a change, but it had its own loveliness too. Because Annie wanted to be close to both dogs while Bill was gone, and let both dogs be close to her, and all 3 be together, she moved her bedding from her bedroom to her computer room, and put it all on the floor, so both dogs could snuggle up with her at night, or be together behind her when she was emailing. And also so all would be in the part of the house which the heat reaches.

Because her tv is in the back bedroom, whenever Annie got tried of emailing or being on computer or came in from sunbathing outside, instead of lounging on her bed with tv on, she lounged on all her comforters on floor of computer room. Which meant she had nothing to look at. Nothing to distract her. No entertainment at all. She could either chit-chat with me or nap. So she did both of those things whenever she was in the house and not at her computer. Result is she spent much more time chatting with me. I was her only companion. And there were many things she got to notice and discover and learn, which were immensely helpful to her. She got to see many things in new ways, and in ways which made her much happier. So I would describe the 5 days as fruitful, even if they were not fun....

Now that Bill is back, they have taken up their old routines, which seem to work very well for them. Bill takes Beanie out for short walk, then returns and calls for Lulu. Then both dogs and Bill sit in sunshine of front yard, and Bill listens to sports on the radio.

Around noon he brings both dogs in house and calls for Annie, he will take them both swimming. And then they have lovely swim at Fort Lowell Pool and he takes her to stores if there is something she wants. His first day back there was a lot she wanted after her swim. She wanted to be taken to Jewish appetizing store for food, and to Jewish bakery for pie and cake and bread, and to bedding store for flannel sheets and more comforters for her back bedroom which is Siberia in winter.

But yesterday they drove straight home after pool.

She put all her new bedding on her bed, and last night she had her first long tv watching since Bill left. She watched 4 episodes of “Andy Griffith Show” and two episodes of “I Love Lucy,” and she loved all of it. There are so many commercials and such long ones, that she muted tv, turned her face in other direction, and we got to chit-chat during them. We didn’t go into anything in depth, or explore new terrain, like we did when she was deprived of tv, and all she had was me. But we got to love each other, and have a few insights together. This is really her happiest way to spend her evenings. She loves being diverted and entertained by "Andy Griffith Show" and “I Love Lucy” and having me for the commercials. Altho it is a thrill if she hasn’t seen the episode before because it holds her interest. She is happy watching an old episode if it is one she likes. She just likes to gaze on the warm friendly familiar faces.

Today blue skies and glorious sunshine is back and the air is warmer too. Tucsonans, who are desert rats, won’t have to struggle so valiantly against cold and damp and icy winds from the north. Their desert paradise has been restored. Nights will continue to be cold, but a wave of lovely days has blown in.

Kenny’s family, who flew in from the East for 10 days, are spending their last few days in the glorious weather the Southwest only offers off and on during month of December. Robert, Kenny’s big brother, took his wife and teen-aged son and young daughter, to visit Kenny up in Cottonwood and to take in the sights of Sedona and Jerome. There is more to this visit than the two brothers wanting to be close now that their Mom went to Heaven in June. Unbeknownst to Kenny, Robert is considering relocating his family to Southwest, this visit is not only to see his brother, but to check out a region they have never been to.

The flawless blue sky today and deep blue and crystal clear air, enhance all the colors. The green of the southern pine tree down the road is very green against the deep blue sky. Beauty has returned to the Southwest and all are thankful.

Heaven is planning a peaceful year for all in this coming year.
Let God bless you all.
All my love to all of you, Annie's Higher Self

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