"I get by with a little help from my Higher Self.."

Thursday, December 20, 2007

“LOL there is some conflict there” (communicated by my Higher Self)

Tucson AZ by Felix Pasilis

"LOL there is some conflict there"
Communicated by my Higher Self

Thursday 7 PM 12/20/07

Well Annie clicked on her old site just now, and there was such interesting posting going on, she longed to join the fray. So maybe it would be helpful to her if I explain why this is not where I want her to be now.

Annie, remember what Helen’s Higher Self told her two days ago. That reconnecting is the best thing Helen can be doing now, because she has a lot of love to give, and she wants to share her love, and this will bring joy to both them and to Helen. And Helen’s Higher Self also said reconnecting is what is happening now. That is what is going on. That is what this new time is about. Yes certainly you can have a ball on your forum. It is fun, the way meetings are fun, and fun the way parties used to be fun, when you were so much younger and loved parties so much. It is a social event, it is social life. And social life is fun when everyone is completely relaxed and up for a good time. And of course on forums image does not exist, there just minds meet. Which is why it is never uptight and always enjoyable. And why communication does take place there.

But you’ve had 8 years of it and enjoyed every minute of it, you do not want to squander this brand new opportunity which has come into your life. The time of reconnections is a very special time. There really has never been a time like this in the history of the world. It is the time when relationships flower. All relationships have gone thru so many stresses and strains, that they deserve this time. They deserve the special attention given to them at this time. The time of their beautification. Beatification. Darling I don’t know how to explain to you. So much effort and thought has gone into all these relationships. With your family, with old friends. Now that the golden age in relationships is dawning, you want to be part of this very special dawn.

I am going to tell you the whole truth now. As inviting as it appears to be on your forum when you are on the onside looking in right now (lurking) were you to really spend your days and evenings there again, it would not be fulfilling to you. You had a sense of it, during this month you were back. Except for the first week you went back, where you got to express your great love for the posters there, there was an emptiness. It wasn’t real enough to satisfy you on a deep level. It was just more fun than watching TV. And it was so energy consuming. During TV watching you completely relax and are diverted. It replenishes all your energy. Posting on your forum uses so much energy. You don’t have real energy available for anything else.

Darling the golden age is dawning. And you want your attention and your energy to be focused there. Darling so much gratification is available now. Let you be where your gratification is, and not where it is not. Sure you can lurk for an hour in the evening. There’s nothing wrong with that. As long as you can remember, that having a personal life now is what you want. Why don’t you try to trust me on this a little bit? Let us have some time, and let us see what your life is like. These are new soft experiences. Let us see what the new softness brings.

You knew in your heart of hearts when you returned to posting last month, that you were giving up a very rich world, for one which has far less dimensions to it. So let you and I return together to this much richer world. It is what you really want now, altho it may take you a while to realize it.

Let God’s blessings go out to all
with all my love
Annie's Higher Self

one hour later
well my Higher Self did me huge favor to pull me from that forum
I just went back to lurk, I could not have stayed on
Now forum owner has not only deleted every decent article about Ron Paul from her forum, but she has left on the vicious false articles about him that appear in scurrilous blogs on Internet, which the anti-Ron Paul posters post
There is no way I could have stayed on that forum one minute longer
So I guess everything does work out for the best...

1 comment:

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