"I get by with a little help from my Higher Self.."

Monday, December 17, 2007

a nice email from Jan this morning

Tucson, AZ by Felix Pasilis

RE: UFO meeting at Tucson public library yesterday

Hi Anne,

Harry and I thought that it was the best MUFON Meeting that we have attended. Jim Sparks was very interesting. I enjoyed him more that I had on Coast to Coast because no one interrupted him with questions and he could continue on his line of thought. I'm not sure what I think of some of his conclusions because I have my own beliefs about the Greys, abductions, etc. but I think that many parallel worlds are emerging and we are all choosing. There were loads of people at the meeting. More than I have ever seen. And people of all ages. I notice that usually there are older people at these meetings and I often wonder where is the youth. Are young people no longer interested in UFO's etc.? Are they only interested in making money? So I was very happy to see some young faces. There were so many people that they were standing as there were not enough seats. Bill came after the intermission and was able to get a seat behind us. He was thinking of going to the movies afterwards. Did he go? I missed you not being there and having a cigarette with you outside.

We got Jim Spark's book after the meeting. It is called THE KEEPERS. I had tried to get his book at the library but they did not have it. He inscribed it to me saying: To Jan, Nice Smile. We didn't even notice this until this morning when a neighbor came over and we were showing her the book. It made me feel good. How sweet of him.

Love, Jan

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