"I get by with a little help from my Higher Self.."

Monday, December 17, 2007

“Phone call with Helen in Hawaii yesterday”

Tucson AZ by Felix Pasilis

December 13 2007 Thursday 8 am

“Phone call with Helen in Hawaii yesterday

I had an odd experience yesterday. I called my friend Helen in Hawaii. She answered the phone, we began to talk, I said “call me, because phone calls are free for you.” She said “good idea! I’ll call you right back!” So I waited 10 minutes for her to call me right back, and then I called her again. It turned out she had been calling me the whole time. For some mysterious reason both the volume on my phone ringer and on my answering machine had gone out. Even tho I was sitting right there, I did not hear the phone ring all those times, nor the 10 messages she left saying “Annie are you there?” I hadn’t realized what the problem was till I called her again and she said “OK I’ll call you right back” and very dimly and distantly, I barely heard the ring on the phone in the other room, but luckily I did hear it and pick up.

After all that we were only able to talk for 10 minutes. I had assumed it would be hour and half or I wouldn’t have gone thru all the “call me back on your cellphone.” Because Helen had to get dressed and go to a party. She is a palmist and had been hired by the host to read the palms of the guests. She is a genius palm reader and gets phone calls from people all over the country asking her to read their palms. A doctor’s wife in Georgia called Helen in Hawaii because she is going thru a difficult divorce and wanted Helen’s practical input. A successful businessman relocating to Las Vegas consulted Helen about business. A university professor brought his whole family. Helen is helpful because when she does readings she is able to access universal mind, and bring in the information they need.

However she is new to accessing this part of her mind when she wants help for her own problems, which is why she calls me. And why I thought the phone conversation would be an hour and a half. I am the opposite of Helen. I can easily click into universal mind to get help with my own problems, but I can not do it for another.

So Helen calls me. And we both tune into universal mind. I don’t say anything, I just sit on the phone with her, very clearly tuned into universal mind. And for some reason this makes the Voice for universal mind (the Higher Self) come in much more audibly for Helen. The Voice comes in clearer and louder. Helen can hear Her perfectly with all Her love and helpful suggestions. And Helen tells me everything She says, and I ask questions, which the Voice then answers.

Helen doesn’t need me to help her with this at all. Because it is same thing I do when I am alone. I ask questions in my mind, and the Voice for the universe, or my Higher Self, answers all my questions in my mind. And Helen has done this alone too and can do this alone too. But she doesn’t stay in close communication with her Higher Self, she forgets about her Higher Self until something upsets her. And then she usually calls me because of the fact of us both tuned in at same time, makes it so much easier for Helen to hear. Plus I think it makes it more real to her that she tells me what she is hearing as she hears it, and I ask questions, and then she tells me the answers. And then sometimes we talk about what we both heard together.

I hadn’t realized at first, when I called Helen back (her phone message had come in while I was swimming) that what she wanted was for us to do a session with her Higher Self. Because when I called her back the first thing she said was she wanted to join a political movement, that things seem to be going very wrong now, and she wanted to join a movement. So naturally I suggested joining the movement to elect Ron Paul President, since that is the movement I am in now. But she said that wasn’t what she had in mind, she had just watched the movie “Meet John Doe.” She wanted something like the John Doe clubs. And she doesn’t trust any politician. And she cannot imagine working for a Republican, Republicans all wear pin striped suits, she would not fit in with them.

But after we finally did succeed in reconnecting, after that peculiarness happened, she said “tell me what you do for Ron Paul.” And I said “I don’t really go to any of the Tucson Ron Paul actions, I just support him on the internet. I am on a political forum, and the Ron Paul supporters post to each other on Ron Paul threads.” Helen has never been on a forum and she doesn’t know what posters posting to each other means. It is unclear to her what happens on my forum.

After that Helen said she doesn’t really want to think about the problems in the world because it upsets her, and she thought joining a movement would be solution to the upset. But of course when I realized Helen’s problem is she is upset and she wants solution to her upset -- “I find it unbearable to be upset” Helen said. “Well of course it is unbearable to be upset” I said, “that is the purpose of your Higher Self, to take away the upset and give you back your peace.” Helen doesn’t want to join a political movement, she just wants her peace back, and for that the Higher Self is the way.

So we figured out the time difference between Hawaii and Tucson. And I said “I am back home from swimming at 3 pm, which is noon Hawaii time.” So we decided Helen will call me some time after I am back from swimming. And I am looking forward to it. I enjoy these sessions with her Higher Self. My Higher Self suggests which questions to ask, and Helen’s Higher Self answers them. It is a nice 4 way. And we both love letting our Higher Selves do all the talking and be in charge of everything.

The odd thing is that the dream I had just before I woke up this morning, in my dream Helen was posting on my political forum. She knew everyone, everyone knew her, she was a regular poster there and very well-liked. And I thought “why is Helen asking me what we do for Ron Paul here? She is right here, she sees with her own eyes, she knows.”

Another odd thing, after our 15 minutes of not being able to connect, when we first got back on phone, Helen said she is open minded about the idea of joining movement for Ron Paul, and I said “I don’t think Ron Paul movement is such a good idea for you.” We had switched places. Helen and I had worked in political movements together when we were very young in the 1960s, mainly the liberation of women. But we were involved in the liberation of all oppressed groups. We were involved in movements for social change.

Does Helen have to take the steps I have gone thru to want to work for Ron Paul? I watched tv news 24/7 and saw how our Constitution and Bill of Rights are at risk. I identify with Tom Jefferson and Patrick Henry, and the vision of liberty which formed our country. I studied what they did to make it manifest, the tremendous odds against them. I read the letter Tom Paine wrote that night after the first battle (George Washington was their leader) when they lost so very very badly and all looked totally black, and it was only his faith in God which gave him any hope. That God would help them win despite overwhelming odds against them.

For me now, I see our entire government as 180 degrees away from all this. We are in danger of losing all our liberty, and I want to get it back. I want to realize the dreams these great men of liberty had for us. And for me right now the Ron Paul movement is the way to do this. But can my NYC friends just jump right in? It is the fruit of a kind of passion and awareness, and their passion and awareness is in other areas.

The most I can think is that because a grassroots movement for liberty is spreading like wildfire all thru the country, altho it is never reported in the news, so most people are not consciously aware of it, it is in the mass consciousness. That people like Helen, with her passionate idealism, are feeling a yearning now to join with others to make things better. There is yearning for change.

When I said that to Helen, she said “that explains why Oprah is working for Obama, why she sees him as Martin Luther King.”

“But he’s not” I said.

“I know that” Helen said, “I’m just saying how everyone wants to be part of a movement now.”

And she is right about that. But I still think truth has to be the heart of the matter. Oprah can do whatever she likes, think whatever she wants to think. But if Helen wants her Higher Self, it means what Helen wants is truth. And nothing but truth will make her happy.

So Helen is making the exactly right decision to find out from her Higher Self what is the best way to make Helen happy now. What will take away the upset and bring her peace. And if a political movement is something she does want now? And if she does, which way should she go? Helen needs to hear all about Helen, and only her Higher Self knows all about Helen, who she is, what she wants, and the path to her peace and happiness.

I realize now what my dream means. Helen doesn’t need me to tune into her Higher Self and get all the answers she wants. We just pretend she does because we have so much fun doing it together on the phone.

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