"I get by with a little help from my Higher Self.."

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

"After the Storm" (time to calm down)

blue bird of happiness in flight

8:28 am Tuesday Morning 1/22/08
Communicated by my Higher Self
"After the Storm"

Annie woke up OK this morning and so did Bill. As if a big storm passed thru for two days, skies turned dark and threatening, there were big gales and buffeting about, noise and thunderclaps, the works, but today is a new day and skies have cleared in Annie's mind. She feels like she arrived on the other shore. She knows now it is not the lawyer's goal to have a day in court, but to use the court case to harass her into paying the bill. So she has no more preconceptions anymore of what will happen. She figures this is his show, he's had a lot of experience at this show, and what he is after is upsetting her so much she just pays up. Hahaha his whole goal is to upset her, keep her off balance, knock her off balance, knock her for a loop. Which so far he has succeeded at perfectly. Every communication from him, every action he has taken, has knocked her and Bill for a loop. From day one! So if that is the game, fine. Either he will actually have some trial, in which case both sides have their day in court. Or he will keep up harassing her thru the courts, until he decides to give it up. If he succeeds in getting this knocked back into civil court, he can keep this up endlessly. It requires no effort on his part, and so little outlay of money. Each time he asks for continuance or whatever, it is just a check for 19 dollars. And his secretary files the papers in 10 minutes. I certainly don't want Annie and Bill to go thru hell each time he does this. There has been enough of it already. None of this involves any response by her. It is all his communications to the court. So she can sit back and let him do his whole show. At the end of it she will have a real education in every trick up the sleeve of the collections agency. No matter what happens now, the idea he will be awarded the thousands he asked for on top of the bill will never happen. No matter which court it winds up in, if it ever does wind up in court, the Judge will see he was offered day in court in Small Claims on February 5th, and he refused to accept it. That he wanted something else instead. Let him tell the Judge what the something else instead he wanted was, and let the Judge decide. Fairness will prevail. And he scotched his own case that he deserves all this extra money, because he put Annie thru so much harassment.

So really we are back to square one. His request to have it kicked back up to civil court may be denied, the case may be heard in Small Claims on February 5th, and so all Annie has to deal with is the anxiety in her tummy about that. But that is two weeks away, and gradually she will get used to having it come, and then putting it out of her mind. And gratefully, the next day, February 6th it will all be over.

If it is kicked back into civil court, an actual court date could be year from now, so she would be foolish to have anxiety about it. He's not going to win any of that big money, the most the judge would have her pay is the bill. So the outcome would be the same.

She is really protected on all sides now. Yes of course she would like it not to happen at all, who wants to go to court and have a court case. But there are advantages of having the judge rule on the particulars of her case. No one really knows what the law is on this. It would benefit others in the same boat to know. And also it is good that all the actions of the collections agency be brought to the attention of the judge. So if the case is not kicked back to civil, and happens on February 5th, whatever happens is fine. Whether collections will actually show up, I don't know.

But that won't make a difference, because Annie will have butterflies in her tummy the whole day before, and until the case is heard. She won't know whether they will show up or not. But at least it will be all over then. And that is good.

And she is no longer so upset that she told Jenny at the top of her lungs, in no uncertain terms, that Jenny is never again to do this to another person. Now Annie thinks she did the right thing. That Jenny had to be told this, and to be told this way. Let Jenny know she did a very wrong thing, and must not do it again. As I told Annie yesterday, "we don't know what Jenny will do in the future, but she has been told." And believe you me, Annie really did tell her. Good!

So all that is involved now is the calming down process. She has started to calm down from the phone call with Jenny and by tomorrow it will be over, she will have calmed down from it. She has started calming down about the whole court case, and tomorrow she will have made a lot of progress in that too. And she will start to develop techniques with butterflies in her tummy about what will happen in court date whenever it occurs. Trust me on this Annie, you will start to forget about it, and have happier periods of time, with your mind relaxed and on other things.

So let's greet this new day happily and see what treats it has in store for you. You read in your Letter From God last week, that each day is loaded with treats for everyone. And they have to look for them, they are there. So let this day be one of relaxing and looking for Easter bunny treats.
I love you all
Annie's Higher Self

2:29 afternoon post script, I am just back from swimming, it was glorious. The day is divinely beautiful, the water was warm and delicious. And I giggled my head off with Samantha, Jill, and Kathleen in the shower room, as Kathleen and I showered naked under that exquisite blue sky and sunshine. Life is good.

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