"I get by with a little help from my Higher Self.."

Friday, January 25, 2008

"Annie counts her blessings"

Communicated from my Higher Self

7:08 am Friday January 25, 2008

"Annie counts her blessings"

OK Annie has written about Admiral Halsey, she has written about the Real Housewives of Orange County, she has written about what she saw on tv. She wanted to escape her life, which is good, too much pressed on her mind, she wanted to be someplace else.

It is dawn in Tucson now. And Annie woke up in good mood. Which is nice, she is getting over a hump. Bill cooked dinner last night which was a huge treat, they have lived on frozen dinners for a year. It was nice to have belly full of hot delicious home cooked meal, and Bill is a superb cook. It was potatoes and cabbage and some meat in there, because Bill is reading a history of Ireland, and his mouth has been watering for potatoes and cabbage and bacon, because the people in Bill's book about Ireland are eating that.

He is reading two books, one about ancient history of Ireland, and one by a guy who recently visited. So Annie is learning that now everyone in Ireland watches the tv show on how to fix up your house, and is putting in attractive tile over their cement floors. And she is learning that everywhere you go in Ireland there are ruins. They have a superstition there that if someone ever lived in the house, you must not touch it. So abandoned houses and abandoned churches going back centuries and centuries and centuries, falling to pieces, are everywhere in Ireland.

She watched the Republican debate in Florida last night and she was happy to see Ron Paul looked absolutely lovely and relaxed and confident. She did pray for him the whole debate. She had the sound muted and sent him love in her mind. But it makes a huge difference that she has withdrawn from the political arena herself. She spent the past year wanting more than anything else in the world for Ron Paul to be president and now she is totally detached. Her mind is elsewhere, even if she doesn't know where it is now, it has moved away from where it was.

She doesn't understand how something could mean the whole world to her for 10 years and now she doesn't care at all. But she loves her new equanimity, she loves being carefree about it all.

For first time she understands where both minds are at. She understands the minds of those who care so passionately, and she understands the minds of those who could care less. Because she was one and now she is the other. There is a tiny sense of vacancy. There had been so much passion before, so much mission. But it is a relief too to be out of the maelstrom of emotion which went with it. She watched the whole debate with everyone in it including the NBC questioners with peaceful detached eyes. She has left the fray.

There was an enchanting old episode of "Monk" on before the debate and a lovely old episode of "Mash" on after the debate, both huge treats for Anne. So she ate her delicious cabbage and potatoes, with lots of butter and salt. And did something she had never done before, she counted the blessings of the day. Ever since she read God puts in many treats for each one in each day, she likes trying to notice them.

She said "my treats were when I got to the pool the water was so warm and lovely, and the shower was hot, and the lifeguards were so friendly and it was nice sharing such friendliness with Samantha. Then Bill took me to OPT and saleslady in the shoe dept was wonderful to me, and I got two pairs of shoes. And the lady downstairs in dresses was so helpful, and I got long sleeve purple jersey top, and another skirt it turns out I won't wear, but I like it as a petticoat under my black corduroy skirt. And I lucked out by having 'Monk' on, when I had no idea when that show is on. And Ron did well in the debate and Chris Matthews was forced to announce everyone voted he won the debate. And the 'Mash' episode was so sweet and Bill's food was so delicious I had 3 portions."

It was a warmly comforting way to end the day, because it had begun off so rough. They had both been up all night hashing over the court case. And when Annie overslept after finally falling asleep at dawn, before she even clicked onto her mind, Bill was there with new anxiety thoughts about the court case. And when she said "I don't want to talk about it now," he got mad that she did not say it in a friendly sensitive way, but was just abrupt. So all morning till they left for their swim, it was like gnashing of gears.

But day ended on soft sweet limo ride of counting her blessings.

All my love to all, Annie's Higher Self

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