"I get by with a little help from my Higher Self.."

Saturday, January 26, 2008

"So let's look at this differently"

Tucson painting by Felix Pasilis

8:23 am Saturday morning 1/27/08
Communicated by my Higher Self
"So let's look at this differently"

OK so Annie didn't wake up in such a great mood this morning. She had long intense dreams of frustration of every kind, and woke up bothered and bewildered. Big deal! Maybe you were working things out of your system in your dreams. Yes it's nice to wake up happy. But if you don't wake up happy, it doesn't mean you won't have a happy day. It just means you didn't wake up happy. You don't know the experiences your new day will bring you. They may bring you all kinds of happiness and joy. So what if you had such unsettling dreams! Sure you would love serene happy dreams and wake up with sweet happy smile on your face. But maybe those dreams needed to happen. You don't know what they mean, you don't even remember what went on, except the topic of one of the dreams. You had bad dreams and now you think you will have a bad day. It could be the reverse you know. That all those dreams were housecleaning in your mind, and you may have brighter day because of it.

Remember what Helen's Higher Self told her about the pink and the green. How the green are the negative experiences but it is the green which causes the pink, which fertilizes the pink flowers, which makes the pink even pinkier. So yes you had long night of long intense green dreams. But it might have been just the ticket for opening the door to all kinds of new pink today. Today may have brighter pink and pinkier pink because of it.

So let's be open-minded about the day. Yes it is chilly and damp your least favorite weather, but Sun is trying to peek thru somewhere. And you really don't know all the new possibilities for pink in your day today.

As God said in that Heaven Letter last week "each day is strewn with treats for everyone." Helen's Higher Self told her the same thing "a special treat is put in each day for everyone, more than one." And God said "there are as many as the Easter bunny leaves Easter eggs, hidden all over your yard." You could change your whole attitude and think, "I wonder what my treats for today will be." Because there will be treats. What God told Gloria in her God Letter and what Helen's Higher Self told Helen is the real McCoy. All you really have to do is sail from treat to treat and overlook everything else... and you will have a fine day

I love you all
Annie's Higher Self

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