"I get by with a little help from my Higher Self.."

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

"Last Night"

"Passionate Pansies"

Wednesday morning, 1/9/08

I was up so late posting on a thread about the New Hampshire primary and went to sleep with bees in my bonnet, I do not know if I can take down info from my Higher Self now, but why not give it a try

Communicated by my Higher Self

Annie passionately cares about Ron Paul winning the election so of course she would be up half the night trying to understand why his showing in New Hampshire was so dismal. I explained to her voter fraud accounted for it. The poll which had shown Ron Paul getting 15 per cent was accurate, and he wound up with half of that. As they say "suck it up" and move on to South Carolina. The Republican Party is honest there, and there will be honest counting of votes. There is no reason not to have hopes up.

As soon as that dazed confused overwhelmed girl hit the pillow last night, she dreamt she was in big room where everyone was cheering and jumping up and down because their team won the game. The team was named something like the coyotes, which is in fact a Tucson hockey team. But she opened her eyes and realized "our team won" could only mean one thing, that the dream was sent to her to reassure her Ron Paul would win this thing.

LOL she didn’t have an easy night trying to sleep. She forgot to eat, she forgot to get out of all her bundled up clothes for sitting at desk in front of cold open window, and she forgot to watch TV to relax. She went to bed a mess and woke up soon after unable to fall back asleep. I suggested a little snack, a little tv, and getting out of some of those bundled up clothes, would make her more comfortable, and she began to relax. And did fall asleep normally. Finally! She had a dramatic evening and night.

While she was on internet, her husband was in the other room watching the primary results on tv and cheering on a completely different candidate. They don't have the same political perception. Bill told her all his political perception, and she did not say one word. She sees it totally differently. But when Bill said "I am really enjoying this, I am finding it all very interesting," she realized it was very nice for Bill that he was finding it so interesting. She had the good sense to realize "right" political perception doesn't matter, but that Bill have an interesting evening, and something interesting to think about. That he is interested in this election too -- although they see it all so differently.

I actually see a positive that they see it differently, because it means each allows the other freedom. It helps each one realize they want the other to be happy, and they are allowed to be happy in their own way.

I am happy Annie had glorious experience with Helen's Higher Self on phone two days ago. I consider that experience tremendously meaningful on every level. It isn't only the experience of love and wisdom and understanding from Helen's Higher Self, it is because it was actual experience, which Annie and Helen experienced together. They had the experience together, then afterwards they laughed about it and talked about it. Then Helen got phone call, and they were off the phone in 2 minutes. Perfect! Since Helen’s Higher Self had suggested they only chat for 2 minutes afterwards.

It is interesting Helen's Higher Self gave the image of river overflowing its banks to describe this time now. A river overflowing its banks is a river on the rise. The waters are plentiful, strong, and on the move. In fact they can't be held back. My dearest darling, all my darlings, the river of life is on the rise now, it won't be held back. That surging current is your life, your life is on the move. And you are being lifted up, and you are going somewhere.

Helen's Higher Self is right, this is a great time, and her image of the roller coaster is superb. It's the ride of the lifetime. Enjoy it! And Her image of lava flowing down from volcano is good too. She is right, simply get out of the way. If lava is flowing, sidestep it! If you are on rising river and something comes, flow past it, flow around it and past it! I won't say everything coming to you now is for your enjoyment but I will say it is all part of the adventure of life. And the new aliveness all of you feel, is because you are smack dab in the middle of huge adventure.

Her image of roller coaster ride is good too, because this is such a lively time. That's why Helen remarked afterward "She loves it, She thinks it's great." Your Higher Self has no other purpose but to serve you, help you, love you, solve your problems, take care of you. She is your Mother. And yes She has a different attitude. She thinks "my daughter is really living now." She sees it as life bursting out and She is right about that.

All my love to all of you,
Annie's Higher Self

1 comment:

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