"I get by with a little help from my Higher Self.."

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

On the phone with Helen's Higher Self

On the phone with Helen's Higher Self
Tuesday January 7th, 2008, 5:13 PM

"The Pink and the Green"

Well I haven't blogged with my Higher Self yet. Yesterday Helen and I did a 4 way on the phone, her Higher Self, her, my Higher Self, me. Helen's Higher Self did all the talking, Helen repeated what She said. It was thrilling and we both learned so much.

Her Higher Self explained it is not only Helen and me going thru challenging situations now, everyone in the world is. She used the word "truce" to describe what is happening, but I didn't get to find out what "truce" means. Her image was of a volcano blowing its top. She said this is a totally natural occurrence, to bring the earth into balance. I have the impression something akin to that is going on in our own lives. She said when a volcano blows, you want to get out of the path. Which you can, it is stupid to stand there and let the lava roll over you. Just get out of the way.

So I gather from this She is saying, whatever difficulties are in our life now, are natural and wholesome and serve to bring our lives into balance. She also pointed out there is green and pink. We want and expect life to be all pink happiness. But she says the pink is like the bloom on the flowers, and the green, is like the chlorophyll and stalk and roots. That Helen and I can change our attitudes about the problems which come into our life. She says these are the experiences which bring great learning, bring great experiences, and also bring about the wonderful pink bloom of happiness. She even suggested the pink bloom of happiness would not be the beautiful pink, we would not see the beauty of the pink, nor appreciate what it was, were it not for the contrast of the green (what She calls the negative experiences). And she reminded us the green causes the pink.

O I remember another image She started off with. When I wondered what she meant by "a truce is happening now." She said there are rhythms in nature, sometimes the river overflows the bank, and sometimes the bank holds the river back. Both are natural. I got the impression we are now in an experience of the river overflowing the bank. That would jive with Her image of the volcano is blowing fire and smoke and lava now.

She says trying to hold it back is the wrong choice. That is also when she said "you can remove yourself from the path of the volcanic lava."

According to Her, Annie's summons to court by the collections agency, is a great experience for Annie. "That Annie is taking on the veterinary establishment, the collections agent establishment, and the courts." She said Annie and Helen and their friends are having big experiences now, "but they can handle it." She said their friend Marilyn "is a powerful warrior."

Helen's favorite image was the roller coaster. Her Higher Self said "children love it, adults hate it.

She said when you are at the very top before you descend the steep descent, children love it, they love screaming and yelling all their way down. The wild wonderful release. But adults try to hold back. And she said the worst would be if the roller coaster started down and then stopped. And then just went back and forth. Again I think She is saying we should not be trying to block these experiences.

When it was over I said to Helen, "She said the green is good." Helen said "She said more than that, She said we should love the green." Helen and I both burst out laughing. Helen said "She loves the green." And we both said how She said the green is great. It is really true. She did give the impression that life is lived in the green. That is where our adventure takes place and our great experiences and our learning. And the richness of life.

It seems a tall order for me to move over to loving the green, altho I have now switched over to seeing it as what fertilizes the pink. We don't have the beautiful pink without the green.

Maybe Helen will come on and write what she remembers and give her impression of it.

I loved it all, but my favorite part was right afterwards, when Helen and I together burst into huge laughter about how She loves the green, how that is Her favorite. It made me feel so close to Helen because we are both having green at same time, and it seemed so funny that Someone would tell us to love it -- it was so funny that She loves it.

Today I thought, Helen and I used to smoke pot together in the '60s when we were in our twenties, but this was a much much much Higher experience than being stoned on pot together. The Higher Self is much higher than pot. And I would say more wonderful. What do you say Helen? This was a glorious experience.

It was the first time I ever joked about the Higher Self with anyone. Helen started the joke. It was a lot of fun. It was like being sisters. Because the Higher Self is an all-wise, all-loving Mother.

"She loves it when we have Green," Helen joked. I giggled so much, because loving the Higher Self is my whole life, and I am grateful beyond measure to Her, but it is so much fun to laugh. Helen made me laugh.

And I will say this for Higher Self's case, you never laugh with so much joy as when you are going thru Green.

Love, Annie

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