"I get by with a little help from my Higher Self.."

Thursday, January 3, 2008

“Annie goes to court”

"Paloma" by Layla Edwards

Communicated by my Higher Self
“Annie goes to court”
1/3/08 Thursday 9 AM

Well '08 is here, which Annie did long for. She had the same experience Jan had had the previous year. All thru '06 Jan kept writing '07 on her checks, and Annie had this experience all thru '07, she kept writing '08. Like Jan, she correctly interpreted it as anticipation of the year. A desire for it to come about. Annie was very satisfied and overjoyed when '08 finally did arrive. “Good!” she thought “I have been waiting for this.” Of course on day one of the new year a process server arrived at her house to summon her to court, she is being sued. And on day two of new year, she went to court to file the papers. Today is day 3 of new year, and from Annie’s point of view the bloom is off the rose. “I was promised a great year in '08. How can this be called a great year. Being sued is no ones definition of unalloyed happiness.”

I think it is a little early for her to say what the new year will bring. All that really happened is she got very bummed out after the process server arrived on new year’s day, and stayed bummed out until the middle of yesterday morning, when she was able to get on top of the situation, instead of being bowled under it. And she did have a great time going to court yesterday with Bill to file the papers. And she had a great swim before Bill took her to court. And she had lovely time on her computer yesterday evening emailing her friends about her new experience. And a warm and wonderful exchange back and forth with Eddie, Helen’s big brother, who wanted to be of assistance to Annie in the court case. “Tell me the details” he had emailed when she first informed him. And she wrote him the whole story. That opened her up, and she emailed her other friends, telling them what is going on. She even emailed her brother the whole story too, which is first time she had confided about her life on email to her brother. She did not tell her mom, because I told her “Until this has a happy ending at the end, don’t tell your mom. She will just worry and give you bad advice. When it is all over you can tell her everything, because she will be overjoyed at the happy ending.”

Annie did make one very important perception over the last 3 days due to this. She discovered that the outcome of the court case is not the purpose of her happiness right now, the issue for her happiness right now, was restoring her happiness after the summons to court arrived. Being bummed out was hell for Annie, she is not used to it. She is used to being happy now. She could not take it. As soon as her spirits went back up and she was happy again, that is all she cared about. And of course one of the things which helped her was starting to get a handle on the situation. Once that happened, once she understood what was going on, and how it would all work, and what she had to do, it all became comprehensible to her. And it didn’t seem like such a big deal. When summons first arrived, it was like an atom bomb going off in her life. It shattered everything. It was a huge explosion. But once she had a handle on it, it just became a situation to be dealt with. No ones ideal situation, but just a situation. Not a catastrophe, just a situation.

And it did feel good to start dealing with it right away. To go down to court the very first day, not wait the 20 days they give you, and fill out the papers. She woke up yesterday morning totally bummed out about it, but came home from court and post office yesterday late afternoon, feeling fine. Dealing with it helped her so much. In fact it made her spirits soar. And of course going downtown to the courts with Bill was an adventure. And Annie loves adventure.

It was the perfect balance in the afternoon. A long wonderful delicious swim at Fort Lowell (after pool had been closed for two days) where everything was familiar and lovely. Then total adventure of going to courts downtown. Then back to familiar Post Office to mail off the papers to lawyer who is suing her. Then on to familiar Nadine’s Bakery, the Jewish bakery in her neighborhood, to buy the Jewish rye bread. The adventure set off the familiar, made it all so attractive to her. She saw it with new eyes. Her neighborhood or part of town where she spends all her time. And the so much familiar, made the downtown adventure, such an adventure. Hahaha the last time she was downtown was at court about another matter, and that was the same morning 9/11 happened. She had no idea why everyone else driving to downtown had their eyes glued to a tiny tv set in their car. She came back from court and post office and then the swim they took afterwards, and turned on her computer and internet, and was stunned at the news. “Bill come in here” she said, “it is saying our country is under attack, is this possible.” And Bill said he heard about it, and it is happening.

But of course what made that day memorable for Annie was her experience going downtown to the courts that morning. Her neighbor Dennis had stolen her easement and refused to give it back, she had gone down to fill out the papers to ask the court to have him give it back. But the next day he gave her back her easement, so she never had to go before a Judge. The instant he gave her back her easement, she filled out the papers at home to cancel the case. And brought over a copy for Dennis. So he would know the case was cancelled.

He had appropriated her easement into his yard, and put up a fence so she could not get into it. And when she said “Give it back! Why did you do this?” He said “You weren’t using it, and I wanted it. How long will you give me to give it back? It means moving all my stuff.” “You have 3 months” she said. But I told her Dennis has no intention of ever giving it back. And she should write on her calendar exactly 3 months from this day, and on that day go down to court and get them to make him give it back. Which is exactly what happened. All thru the 3 months she yelled and screamed at him and called him names. Which did not bother him in the slightest. He had no intention of giving it back.

Then on 9/11, 3 months from the day exactly, she and Bill went down to court, and she filed the papers. And sent Dennis the copy by certified mail, as she was told to do. And Dennis simply refused to accept the certified letter. But he must have guessed what it was about, a certified letter from the courts, because he went right out, removed all his stuff, took down the fence so Annie could get into her easement again. And it was all solved, Presto!! She took her dog and walked all thru her easement, so happy to have it back again. He had had it for 5 years. And then she called him on phone to thank him for doing it, and said she was canceling the court case. And he pretended huge surprise about the court case, but asked for a copy of the letter canceling it, and also the official documents she cancelled it. And to her surprise he has been perfectly friendly and loving to her ever since. He did not hold it against her that she called him a thief and a terrible neighbor. And she did not hold it against him that he stole her easement. They are friends again, altho of course Annie is not a dope, and will never trust him again.

The way he stole her easement to begin with, was to arrive at her house and ask graciously if he could put a few things in her easement. Of course Annie said yes without hesitation. She likes doing favors for neighbors. How would she know her neighbor is a thief. And had intended to steal her property. She had never met anyone before who had no character. And she has such a wide experience of people because of all her years on the Lower East Side of Manhattan. Where she was friends with all the homeless, because they were in the playground when she walked her dog. The homeless turned out to be her angels. They helped her so much. And she had beautiful friendships with all of them. In no way was she prepared for a wealthy neighbor in Tucson, who turned out to be a scoundrel.

It is because of that experience she had zero bitterness about going to court yesterday to file the papers because she is being sued. She was so grateful the courts existed and were there to help her when Dennis refused to give her back her property. That there was a last resort, going to law. That going to law was there to issue a fair judgment and enforce it. So even tho the shoe is on the other foot now, and she is the one being sued, she still thinks, “If they think they have a case, and want the law to settle it, fine, the law is fair.” She availed herself of the law when she wanted it, so she has zero gripe of anyone else availing themselves of the law. She thinks it is fair. Altho she does think it is sleazy of a collections agency to take her to law, to collect a big bill, and big interest, and court charges, and lawyer's fees -- when the bill in question is from a Vet Clinic, who inadvertently killed her dog while trying to help it.

She never expected the Vet Clinic to bill her for the operation after Happy did not live thru it. Dr Kuhlman, her wonderful vet in New York, when her beloved Siamese cat Minnie, did not survive her operation, and that one was really needed, of course Dr Kuhlman never considered billing Annie for it. He is just not like that. And in truth Annie is shocked out of her pants that the vet clinic would bill her for it. Quite a lot of malpractice took place. By a happy miracle Annie never held it against the Vet or the clinic that they killed her dog. I worked long and hard with Annie right after it happened, when she was stunned with grief. After all Happy’s only problem was he had swollen ear. It never crossed her mind, she would go to pick up Happy, and be told Happy never woke up from the anesthetic.

The Vet felt so bad about it, “I never would have done the operation if I had known,” that Annie’s only concern while she was in his office, was to make him feel better. “These things are in God’s hands” she said, “you did everything right, you did nothing wrong.” She wanted to comfort him and take away his guilt. But as soon as she walked out of his office, and he went to get something to give to Bill, she leaned against the wall in the hall, and collapsed into grief. Then she pulled herself together when Bill and Vet returned, and then Bill drove her home.

It was a very hard time. How could it not be. And I don’t want to revive Annie’s memories of all the suffering for the next two months they went thru till Bill went to the Pound and came home with Beanie, and a new day and new happiness started for them. I just want to say, Annie never held the vet's malpractice against him (and yes there was tremendous malpractice took place here) because I convinced Annie, and this is the truth, that Happy made his own decision not to wake up. That it was his time. Happy was 16, he had started to slow down. What he loved most, the long endless walks with Bill in the desert washes, he could no longer have. He had already started to spend most of the time sleeping in the house, and he would never leave Annie’s side. Yes, Happy could have lived for another year, but it would not have been a happy year for anyone. And the ending would have been extremely upsetting for all. This was a better way, and Happy did it for Annie and Billy and for himself. He was a divine dog, and chose this way to spare all as much suffering as he could. Which he did.

But as I explained to Annie, just because it all worked out in the best possible way, does not mean severe malpractice did not occur, and no way do I want her to pay a monstrous bill, which she had contracted to pay because she thought the vet would help her dog, and return him home happy and healed, and instead he said "do you want his ashes." “No!” Annie said. “I do not.”

This is what the Judge will have to decide. Whether the collections agency is entitled to get that money from Annie, or whether she is in her rights not to pay it. And since the service she got was catastrophic, I doubt the Judge will rule that she has to pay for catastrophic service. As I told Annie, it’s like the plumber came to do work in her house. And inadvertently blew up her house and now she is homeless. Does she still have to pay the bill for the plumbing work, when she no longer has a house due to his carelessness. Or due to his actions.

The plumber is lucky Annie is not suing him.

Now the big question. Why is this happening when ALL have been promised a great year in '08. And the reason for this is very simple. Annie, I want you to see that your happiness is not based on the events which come into your life. I want you to see that you can hold on to your happiness no matter what befalls you. This is a year of unalloyed happiness for you because for the first time in your life, no matter what comes your way, the pinnings of your happiness will remain. Sure you spent an evening, a night, and morning bummed out yesterday, but you got to find your way out of it. And what I want for this year, is that you don’t even have to go thru 24 hours of bummed-out, before you find the way to return to your happiness. That is what I ask for. Let your happiness stand, thru thick and thin. You will discover your happiness is invulnerable. And once you realize your happiness is invulnerable, you will have realized, finally, you are invulnerable. Which has been the truth all along, but you never saw it before.

I love you ALL more than life itself
Annie's Higher Self

By Annie, late afternoon update
I called lawyer who is suing me and got to speak to his secretary, Mary Beth. She said it is not Small Claims Court, it is Civil Court. And I would be going up against one of the Collection Agency’s lawyers in Tucson. Altho usually there is a hearing with mediation first. I will find out from my Higher Self what this means….

(by my Higher Self) I'll explain to Annie later what this means, but she did more than that. She told Annie that because she contested it, it now means she will have to pay 4 times the amount, because lawyer's fees and interest have been added on. Altho Annie did not pick up on this, this is severe bullying. She is telling Annie now she will be punished because she did not immediately call the lawyer when she got the summons and offer to send him whatever he wants. I had previously instructed Annie to be loving to the lawyer who is suing her, because he has a right to do that, but bullying is something I do not like. Not everyone is in communication with their Higher Self, and could be intimidated by this. No one should be bullied out of their day in court, else there is no justice...

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