"I get by with a little help from my Higher Self.."

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

“New Years Day 2008”

Tucson, AZ by Felix Pasilis

Communicated from my Higher Self

9:01 am, Tuesday, 1/1/08

"New Years Day 2008"

2008 is here, which is the last leg to the Mass Awakening. Annie is thrilled about it. Today starts the final lap, which is officially 4 years away, but will happen earlier; it may happen as early as 2 and a half years from now. But in any case it is the final leg. Which means everything which happens now is the last step before the mass awakening. It is journey’s end, the end is now in sight. Love is awakening everywhere, it is the awakening of love. Your planet is suffused with love, and each day more and more awaken to love. Annie got email last night from Jacqui Ceballos, who was president of NOW when Annie was in women’s liberation, and who is now head of the Veteran Feminists of America. Jacqui sent out email to everyone she knows, saying "Happy New Year to All My Friends," and the email says, "I have discovered that the only thing which is real is that I love you," and then the whole email says "I love" you 20 times. This is a tremendous omen. It is like all the streams coming together to form a huge gushing river.

And on the political front it is huge, meaningful, that a man of principle, of peace, of honesty and integrity, of courage and conviction, has a whole movement behind him, a huge grassroots movement to elect him President of USA. This is called a miracle, a great miracle. It is a miracle because it seems impossible one man could stand up to all the power, to every kind of huge amassed power, and yet he is. This is not a movement of a leader and his followers. It is interesting because it is the reverse. Everyone was waiting for one good man to run for office, so they could all get behind him. The people all wanted it already, someone just had to be willing to do it, to run for office. This movement is not being led by him, this movement is to put him in office. It is not led by anyone. It is spontaneously generated. It existed before he came along. It doesn’t have to be him, it could have been anyone, but he was the one willing to do it. And so the movement has coalesced to put him in power. He is the goal of the movement but not the leader of it. He is the emblem of it. He is, and this is the whole truth in a nutshell, a representative of this movement. He is their representative, and they want to be represented in the halls of power. They want to be represented in government.

This movement is an unstoppable force. This will be a dramatic year and interesting year, because all of established power will be used to prevent it happening. This is a fight. Established power thinks it can win the fight. Established power thinks it is impregnable undefeatable. Established power thinks it is all-powerful. But can you stop an ocean? A mass movement can never be stopped. It can be bought off but it can’t be stopped. And the beauty of Ron Paul, whatever his rights or wrongs are, his ups and downs, the single truest thing about him is he won’t be bought off. He’s not a great leader, he is just a representative, but he won’t be bought off. And that is the one thing necessary here.

No one realizes it, but the battle has already been won. No one realizes it yet because all the accumulated power (in place now) has not yet begun to pull out all its stops. They have not yet started to fight. And everyone thinks they will put up an amazing fight, they have so much power at their disposal. But you just can’t stop a mighty ocean. You can’t stop an ocean, it is as simple as that. Whatever they do, the ocean will swim over them. Because that is the nature of oceans, it is a huge body of water which moves, and which obeys its own currents and nothing else. And this ocean just grows bigger and stronger each time someone else joins it, and every day someone else joins it. This is taking place within mass consciousness itself.

None of Annie’s friends, relatives, acquaintances, not even Bill, are part of this big movement now. Annie only connects to it on the internet. But she is four-square in the middle of it, this is her movement, she is a political activist in this movement. She is in the middle of this movement now because of the changes in her thinking and perception over the last 10 years. It has brought her to this. It is the fruit of a new perception. It was all leading to this. All her experiences for the past 10 years were leading to this. She was meant to be part of this movement because she has something to offer it. She can share my clarity of thought. It is a way for me to add my two cents to it. I can do it thru Annie. She can bring my light to it. And I want this with all my heart. I want this movement with all my heart.

This is a divine moment, because it reconnects with the original movement for freedom and democracy in USA, what birthed this country. This country was birthed by a great divine light from Heaven, to be a beacon of light in the world. And when the country lost its way and was taken over by corrupt ones, and darkness threatened to engulf it, Heaven called. A call from Heaven went out. As is always the case, in all times, in all places, the call from Heaven goes out to all. The followers of Martin Luther King then, or Gandhi then, were ones who chose to answer that call. And Annie chose to answer this call.

The call to find her way back to God, which goes out to all, all the time, she chose to answer that call. And this is the second call she chose to answer. These are soul choices. What is a soul choice? It means a part of your mind you are not aware of, hears a call and decides to answer it. As soon as that decision is made, circumstances come into your life, which result in positioning you, so that you clearly hear the call and want to answer it. In the case of returning her mind to God, all that was necessary really was for her whole life to collapse. That put her in position to want to call for help from God, because she had reached the end of her rope, she was desperate. It’s not a fun way to be in position, but it is effective.

A call to answer a political movement will never involve such dire means to position you. Because no political movement can ever come near offering you the transformative liberation that returning to God does. A political movement can not bring you peace or love or liberty, get you out of mental prison or personal hell. Only returning to God can do that for you, can free your mind.

But political movements matter too, because they affect the wholesomeness of a country and hence the world. Strictly speaking, the government of USA is extremely ill now and must be restored to wholesomeness. And that is the movement Annie is involved in. And she is very well equipped now to be part of it. She understands the disease and where it is coming from. She knows how it can be healed. And she knows what wholesomeness is. And very importantly, she knows and understands and loves the fellow members of her movement.

OK Annie I will now answer your question, "what does it mean that none of my friends, relatives, family, acquaintances are involved in this movement?" Honey, they don’t want to be. It is not their movement. Where is it written everyone should be involved in every movement. Yes, you were involved in movements in the 60s with them. And by a happy miracle your friends and you all became new age at same time, spiritual. You can have glorious communication about that, because it is a new reality, a new understanding of what is real. Honey, if you don’t agree on what is real, communication is limited.

Your friends are not involved in this movement because they are answering other calls. A political movement is not the only movement taking place. What about the reality of extra terrestrials and their visiting your planet. Jan and Harry are involved in this movement, you are not. And this is a very important movement too. Your friend Helen has a gift for connectivity, for creating webs of connectivity. This is very important. It brings people together, it connects them all up. And now is a time when they want to be connected all up. You are at best a passive observer of the movement to bring awareness of extra terrestrial reality into consciousness, but Jan and Harry are activists. Your mind becomes blurry and you tune out when Helen’s Higher Self tells her about the webs of connectivity and Helen’s urgent part in this. So fine! let your friends answer their calls, let you answer yours. It enriches both of your lives. Because Jan and Harry are activists in the UFO movement, you get to be a passive observer and it interests you. You are interested in watching Helen create connectivity where it didn’t exist before. And they get to see something of the Ron Paul movement because you are part of it. This is how you share in each others lives and this is great.

Your friend Margot answers her calls. Your brother volunteers to restore the trails in the woods. Your mom writes a newsletter for her community. Bill is keenly aware of a revolution taking place in sports. The new young players have tuned into another consciousness, when they make a mistake which costs their team the game, they no longer beat themselves up over it. They let themselves enjoy their evening’s relaxation, and come back stronger to play the next day. Bill calls it the "new way," and he is right, it is the "new way" which is winning all the games.

All my love to all of you, Annie's Higher Self

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