"I get by with a little help from my Higher Self.."

Friday, January 18, 2008

"Leaving politics"

"Pacifica" by Felix Pasilis

"Leaving politics"
6:48 am Friday morning 1/18/08
Communicated by my Higher Self

When Annie posted on the immigration thread, she is 3rd generation immigrant on both sides and the words on the Statue of Liberty mean a great deal to her, Buckeye posted back "those words were written by Emma Lazarus, a Marxist." And then he posted a bunch of stuff about "Emma Lazarus, the Marxist" that Annie did not even read, she shut off the machine.

They had been very close for past two months posting together for Ron Paul, and also to stop the new bill in Congress which takes away free speech. This bill already passed the House unanimously, only a handful of congressmen voted against it. It is now in the Senate and I told Annie it would pass unanimously there too, and when the President signs it, it becomes law. "Your country is fucked" I told Annie. She was so upset. She tried to raise the alarm on the site she was on then. A handful of posters responded, but most didn't care. Only Buckeye cared as much as Annie did and worked as hard, or even harder, to raise the alarm about this, and to organize some protest. Which is how Buckeye won her heart. Especially because Annie became so wildly upset about this, that finally I forbade her from thinking about it anymore. "Just leave it in my hands" I told her, "you are not to think about it anymore." Which is why she appreciated so much Buckeye's continuing dedication to stopping it.

So Annie deeply loved and appreciated this brilliant poster who cared as much about liberty as she did, and preserving the Bill of Rights. The fact of the matter is very few do care. For one reason or another, they don't care.

Annie left that forum because the owner only cares about stopping Mexican immigration, and most of the posters on that forum had gravitated there because for them too it was number one issue. Annie had planned to leave that forum a year ago when she noticed that was all that anyone posted about there. "It's all hate" she thought "I'm not staying," but that very day Ron Paul announced his candidacy, and of course she wanted to stay to campaign for Ron Paul there.

But owner got mad that posts for Ron Paul were distracting from anti immigration, and so she banned articles about Ron Paul.

So Annie left that forum, she moved over to a very tiny forum, which was a spin-off of this one, where the owner did support Ron Paul, so Ron Paul articles were welcome, and Annie posted for Ron Paul there. She joined that forum the day after the first primary, because she had such an interesting and hopeful insight about what that primary meant, and she wanted to share it. She was posting for Ron Paul there, when to her joy, Buckeye showed up there too. She was thrilled and overjoyed, and together they went on posting for Ron Paul.

Then two days ago she had that insight, if Ron did not win the GOP ticket, he and Dennis Kucinich could run together on an independent ticket, and she posted that. Buckeye came on and said he would never vote for "Kucinich the communist." She said "if they are on the ticket, will you vote for them?" And he said "no, he will not vote." She was shocked the depth of his hatred for Kucinich would overwhelm his desire to make Ron Paul president. At the same time, on another thread about immigration, in response to what Annie posted, he "explained" to her how the immigrants debase and destroy American culture. She read that post yesterday morning when she woke up, and she saw red. She posted back sarcastically "I guess I should be grateful you don't want me deported." Then I told her it was time to leave the forum, so she wrote another post to him, saying how the words on the Statue of Liberty mean a great deal to her, but in any case she has decided to leave this forum for the one on Ron Paul's website, so she thanked Buckeye for their long glorious beautiful posting together, and wished him well and sent him all her love and said goodbye. (I had her put in all those loving words to him, he is a very confused young man.)

After that she blogged with me about it, and posted it on her blog.

That evening when Buckeye got home from work, she clicked on her forum to see what he responded. And that is when he said "Emma Lazarus was a Marxist," and had a lot to say about that. Which she did not read. She clicked it right off, and thought "I am never clicking on this forum again."

I had explained to her in yesterday's blog, that she just had had her fill of the right wing, and it was all over. Buckeye had personified for her both the best and the worst of the right wing.

After she read what Buckeye said last night, the first part about Emma Lazarus and what she imagined he continued with, it was a long post, she had it with politics altogether. Being on any political forum for a just cause means overlooking all the posts which represent nonsense thinking. And on Annie's side, I will say, she has had practice in her 8 years on internet forums, of overlooking thousands and thousands and thousands of variations of hate posts. Hate posts about leftists about Muslims about Arabs about Mexicans about Israelis about Jews and hate posts about her. This has been a tremendous experience for her. It has literally made her invulnerable. Plus 99 percent of the time, she was able to see past the hate posts to the loving person, and give love. Her love was not conditional. She has expressed consistent love on political forums for 8 straight years, which is why it has been glorious experience for her. And yes, her love was returned. And it hasn't just been hate posts. There have been posts of immense magnanimity, clarity, charity, kindness; deep wise loving compassionate understanding. The goodness and love far far far outweighed the hate, else Annie never would have remained.

What I suggested to Annie last night, when she went in to watch tv and was still upset by Buckeye's post, is maybe the time for politics for her has come to an end. "Look at it this way," I told her, "whoever is inaugurated president this time next year, Jan 20, 2009, it is just a year and half away from the Mass Awakening. Yes it is true than anyone else but Ron Paul in the oval office will bring fascism and police state here, the power elites in government now want it, but they'd have to move slowly, and I can gum up the works, how much damage can they do in a year and a half? Yes it would be optimum if Ron Paul were president, he would not sign any of this into law, but it doesn't matter very much, because a year and a half is too short a time to do serious damage. The single difference Ron Paul would make, would be to stop bombing over there, he would bring all the soldiers home instantly."

I think Annie should just drop out now. Let her vote for Ron Paul in the primary and vote for him for prez if he is a candidate, but that's all. Others can watch closely if they want to, and their awareness will grow. All Annie ever cared about is that her country be safe from fascism, and her country is safe. A year and a half after the election is too short a time, and I promised her I would gum up the works.

So why not let her have a brand new life now. Politics was her whole life for past 10 years. There is a big beautiful world out there, let her explore all new things now, let her life be brand new.

I love you

Let God bless you all.
Let joy and happiness be yours now and forever.
You're loved beyond measure.
Hugs and kisses, Annie's Higher Self

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