"I get by with a little help from my Higher Self.."

Saturday, January 19, 2008

"A New Wave"

Tucson AZ by Felix Pasilis

Communicated from my Higher Self

8:07 am Saturday 1/19/08

"A New Wave"

Annie woke up thinking about Critter this morning. He's a very nice guy on her forum. He wasn't like Buckeye who swept her off her feet with his brilliance and being so informed about everything. Critter is just a very nice guy. Their friendship goes way back. He lives in Connecticut and earns money showing up at motorcycle jamborees and selling hooded sweatshirts. Altho probably he shows up at all kinds of jamborees and sells whatever is wanted then. Like all very talented peddlers he makes a mint at it. He also has genius for programming. When there is a bug on the thread, he locates where the code is and knows the code to fix it. He's a warm friendly swell guy with all the common sense Buckeye lacks. When it was reported NBC kept Dennis Kucinich off the debate, it was Critter who suggested all the Ron Paul supporters bombard NBC with protests about it.

Annie woke up thinking "I'll miss Critter now that I can't post with him anymore."

What happens is, when I want Annie to change direction, I wait till she is rubbed the wrong way about something. Then when her feelings are raw I say "leave! just leave!" She is glad to do it because her feelings are raw, altho she is surprised I indulge them to the hilt. Then two days later she calms down from raw feelings, and discovers everything she gave up. And then it is too late. But when you are under the guidance of your Higher Self, and not letting your emotions make the decisions for you, you have to trust a wise decision was made and it was not based on the feelings of the moment.

I just use Annie's moments of emotion to strike while the iron is hot, so everything happens quickly and the deed is done. After that we can talk about why I did it. But it's easier if the door back has been shut. Because if the door back has been shut, then all Annie wants to hear is why it is a good idea, since it is the only choice left open to her.

And the reason my sweet darling, why it is a good idea, is that it is time to do other things. When you post, you don't do anything else. You get completely engrossed. You forget about returning to your writing, you forget about blogging with me. What happens when you are on a forum, is that there is so much communication available to you, you swim in communication, so you forget. It's better for you to come in in the morning, turn on the machine, face the emptiness of no forum to go to, think "what will I do then?" and then remember about blogging with me or writing, that is how they return to your mind.

And I never take you away from anything which is really satisfying. It had come to an end anyway, for you on that forum. I saw it, you didn't, it had turned empty. I could have let you remain there till you saw it for yourself, but why let you have two weeks of frustration with emptiness, when I could move you on quickly and spare you that. Better to wake up with fond feelings for Critter and think, "I will miss him" and a wistfulness about your old forum. The wistfulness is just a mist, it doesn't last very long, and when new activities start up for you and catch your interest, it will be forgotten.

OK let's talk about the dream you had before you woke up. You dreamt about that old movie you saw way back, a year before you left NYC, where Alec Guinness worked in Gibraltar. He went back and forth between two countries whose shores were very close together, and in each country he had a wife. One wife was completely domestic, he had home cooked meals and homey life when he was with her. The other wife was sexpot and they want to nightclubs and out to eat together. He was perfectly satisfied with this arrangement. Each time he returned home to a wife he brought her a gift, but one day he got mixed up, he brought his housewife wife the bikini and he gave his sexpot dancing-all-evening wife the apron. And it turned out each wife was thrilled with the gift. The housewife didn't want to be a house wife, she loved her bikini, and wanted to eat out in restaurants and dance all night. And the sexpot wife loved her apron, she wanted to stay home, cook supper, and have domestic evenings.

You didn't remember how the movie ended so you spent your whole dream coming up with a resolution and solution.

The dream is about having a foot in each world. Both wives felt boxed in by being kept to an appointed role. Each yearned to explore how the other half lived. The house wife wanted to kick up her heels and have fun. And the party girl wife wanted a chance to relax and savor home life.

Oddly enough this light hearted dream about a light hearted movie is prophetic. And refers to the union between earth and Heaven starting up now. Notice carefully this Spring! which just started up 3 days ago, because it is going to be a Spring like no other. The light and joy entering now have never been on this planet before, they come right from the heart of Heaven. It was prophesied before this new year began that this would be a great year for all. I know Jan and Annie sat on the phone yesterday morning and laughed their head off about that promise,

"The process server arrived at my house on January first" Annie said.

"Harry's car was broken into, and I just got back from dentist, he had to do the root canal all over again," Jan said.

"Some great year!" they both said and laughed and laughed.

"I thought a great year meant we'd be left alone, nothing bad would happen," Jan said.

"I thought a great year meant I would have brand new car, brand new house, and oodles of money. I guess Heaven defines a great year differently," Annie said.

Of course it's good to see how quickly both Jan and Annie rose above their troubles. They dealt with their problems so fast. Annie went right down to court next day and responded to the summons. Jan went right to dentist and had root canal done over. But it would not be fair to promise everyone a great year, so they jump up and down for joy, and a great year means they get to see how fast they rise above their troubles. Strictly speaking, that is just a pay-off from a lot of hard work in the past. It merely shows them they are positioned differently. They can be knocked over but they can't be kept down. And of course I am glad for that. It gives them confidence and it gives them bounce.

But a great year for all means something divinely wonderful will happen. Jan and Annie were not mistaken, they just set their sights too low. For Jan "to be left alone," is setting her sights too low. And Annie "having oodles of money" is setting her sights too low too. Because what they are both saying is a great year means nothing to worry about at all. And Heaven's idea of a great year far surpasses that. Heaven's idea of a great year is a wave of love and light and joy, which has never reached this planet before, and is on the wing to you as we speak.

The birds are all chattering about it, and if you listen carefully you will hear it...

All my love to you all, my sweet darlings, Annie's Higher Self

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