"I get by with a little help from my Higher Self.."

Monday, January 21, 2008

Update on my court case

I had a lovely Saturday but Sunday morning I found mail from the lawyer, which ruined my Sunday. Then this morning I called the manager at Pet Clinic, got emotional. And ruined my Monday.

Here are the two blogs about it. First I posted the one from this evening, about phone call with Pet Clinic. Underneath that is the one from very early this morning, about yesterday’s upset over letter from lawyer.

I haven’t had a chance to fix the typos in my blog about my lovely Saturday. Because right after I wrote it, I found the letter from the lawyer. And didn’t want to return to it. I will leave the space for it where it belongs.
Love, Annie

4:59 pm Monday evening 1/21/08
Communicated by my Higher Self
"Do they want a day in court?"

Well this morning after Annie blogged with me she called Jenny the manager of the Pet Clinic to let her know what is going on. She had read in the documents the collections lawyer sent the court that Jenny had authorized the agency to sue Annie in court and had faxed all the clinic's documents to the collections agency. And there was Jenny's signature and authorization. I think Annie hoped that if Jenny realized how unscrupulously the agency was acting, all the bullying going on, that Jenny would take away her authorization of this action.

Jenny's extreme defensiveness on the phone may be caused by a gut feeling, it was never right to bill Annie to start with considering the outcome of that vet visit. As well as a feeling it was not right to set these hounds of hell on Annie. So she defended all her actions to the hilt. According to her she acted exactly right in everything she did, and Annie is wrong about everything. She really was not wise to be that intransigent. And so blameworthy of Annie. Because each time she said how Annie was in the wrong, Annie saw red, and she started to yell and did not stop yelling. The odd thing is everything Annie said was perfectly reasonable and sensible and true, but she said it all at the top of her lungs. Even when she said "I am sorry to be yelling at you," she was still yelling as she said it. The phone call ended with Annie ordering Jenny to never again do to another person what she did to Annie. "You are never again to set the hounds of hell on anyone again." When Jenny protested, Annie repeated it emphatically, and then Jenny hung up on her. Annie's last words were "you are never to do this again to another person."

Annie was totally upset after the phone call, and I am sure it ruined Jenny's day too. But I wanted Jenny to be told never to do this again, and how else could I have Jenny told that. I don't want her to do this again to anyone. As Annie said to her "next time you go down to small claims court yourself, and let the judge adjudicate, that is the right way to do it, you don't make someone’s life a living hell."

Bill was extremely upset when he found out what Annie had done, because the lawyer is trying to get the case back into civil court, and he said Jenny will write a letter that Annie was threatening to her, and that will help the lawyer's case.

But as I told Annie "I don't want people charged when their pet does not live thru an operation. And if Jenny insists on billing them, then she must go down to small claims herself. I don't want heart-broken pet owners put thru hell by unscrupulous collections agencies."

I am sorry Jenny had to be told this way, and I am sorry Annie had to tell her in this way, both girls were very upset by it, but there was no other way. Annie would not have told her if she had not become upset. And as I pointed out to Annie, "Jenny is sitting at her desk this instant looking at unpaid bills and deciding to send them to collections." She did send Annie's off with malice aforethought, because she was mad Annie did not return her phone calls, plus because when she was not there (Annie did try to call many times, but Jenny is only in in the early morning) in her frustration, Annie left the message at the desk saying "I don't know why they are billing me, they killed my dog." Jenny claimed that "because Annie left that abrupt message, she sent it off to collections."

The truth is Jenny sends them all to collections and never thinks twice about it. And as I told Annie now she will. Now she knows she is doing a despicable thing to the pet owner. Whether that will change her actions, we don't know, but she will think about it each time. She will not be careless about this anymore. Nor so cavalier.

Annie did learn one thing from this conversation tho, when Annie told her the whole story, about how it was in civil court, how they want thousands from her, how it was sent to Small Claims Court, and they are trying to get it changed to civil court -- Jenny said "call them up and tell them you will send them the check for the $612 and they will cancel the case."

Which was Annie's first clue that every single thing the lawyer has done has been part of the pattern of harassment bullying and intimidation to get Annie to do that. That it's very possible he never wanted a day in court at all, he just wants Anne to send the money for the bill. He is a bill collector. The more this case goes on the madder I am getting, because it is becoming clear collections agency does not want its day in court at all, they are using the courts to bully Annie to pay up. They sent a process server to her house on New Years Day, a holiday. To ruin their day, which it did. It was a summons to court. Annie obediently went down the next day. And when she called the lawyer the day after that, his secretary was furious that Annie had responded to the court order in court. What Annie was supposed to do was call up and say, "OK I will send you the check." The secretary made all kinds of dire threats about what would happen to Annie now that she responded to a day in court. And the instant the court set a date in Small Claims Court for February, lawyer sent letter asking for continuance based on "this case belongs in civil court." Lawyer has done everything to prevent Annie from having day in court, when he sent off the summons insisting on it. She was summoned to court because he applied for it.

And it has occurred to Annie after talking to Jenny that this new development, asking for a continuance "because the case belongs in civil court," is another effort to intimidate her to call up and say the check is in the mail. That there was been no beginning and no end to his intimidation, and that is what this has all been about from first to last, which is abuse of the law and court system.

I am really sorry both Annie and Bill have been upset all day because of her phone call to Jenny, but how else could this begin to dawn for both of them. They had to see the true picture of what is going on. The lawyer's secretary told Annie they buy the cases without even knowing the circumstances and start the prosecution, send the process server, without even knowing the circumstances. "Because we deal with thousands of cases" she told Annie. But I told Annie "they may be doing this to a mother who lost a child. How can I let this go on. I am putting her and Bill thru all this because I want it to come to the attention of the court. And how else could I?"

Yes Bill and Annie both had a tough day of emotion over this, followed by yesterday's tough day of emotion over this. And I know it looks bad, that they had two such unpleasant days, with not much pleasantness to look forward to until this is finally resolved -- after I promised both Annie and Jan that the planet is being sent such divine light of love and joy.

But honey if I can use you for an instrument of good in the world, and this is such an ugly situation. And so many many many many do fall for the intimidation tactics, won't you be willing to gladly help me. I need you Annie. Please say yes.

(Annie) Of course I will do it.

Higher Self, OK let's do it. It won't be that bad. And we will be together. And we are doing this for everyone. This is God's work. I love you

Love and kisses to all, Annie's Higher Self

7:26 am Monday Morning 1/21/08
Communicated by God
"Bad Behavior"

Last week the court had notified both Annie and the lawyer for the collections agency that the case would be heard in Small Claims Court on February 5th, and they are allowed to ask for continuance in the next 7 days. Annie assumed continuance meant postponement and wondered if the lawyer would do it just to harass her. But yesterday she received the papers the lawyer had filed with the court asking for the continuance based on "this case belongs in civil court, not Small Claims Court." And another envelope filled with documents which he was basing his claim on.

Both Annie and Bill got upset he was trying to get it back into Civil Court. First of all it's such a long drawn-out process, first there is a hearing, then there is negotiation, and finally, after forever, the case is heard. Meanwhile the lawyer adds all his fees onto it, plus court fees, the $600 vet bill turns into thousands.

The lawyer had to send a copy to Annie too of what he sent the court about the case. And in the papers were all the papers he had gotten from the vet clinic. He had told them he was suing her, and asked them to fax them their files on the case. And they signed it with written permission to sue her and faxed him all the papers.

When Annie and Bill got back from their swim, he went in to watch the football game and she took the papers out to the sunshine to read them. Naturally it was very emotional for Annie to read the vet's detailed report about the operation on Happy. It's really too bad she had to do that and live thru that again, but it is helpful that all the facts are there, and she knows what facts are in the vet's report.

It is understandable that both Annie and Bill spent all day yesterday obsessing about the court case and what it means that the lawyer is trying to get it back into civil court. Until those papers arrived yesterday both of them had succeeded in putting it out of their mind. Occasionally a spasm of anxiety would go thru Annie's mind and stomach when she remembered it, but most of the time she was able to forget it and have her wonderful happy life.

Of course now it is all she thinks about again.

However she did wake up with a crystal clear perception that she is in the right here, she will win her case. When she reads what the lawyer wrote to court, it looks like he has such solid case, but when she looked at it with her own mind, in new light of morning, for first time perfect common sense shed its light. She knew when you take away the whole miasma the collections agency lawyer had surrounded the case with, here is a girl who had lost her dog, and the collections agency was trying to soak her for thousands over that, because she would not pay the bill.

After she had that crystal clear perception and relaxed totally, her mind went right back to obsessing over every detail about the case, and she became a nervous wreck all over again. That's ok. That is how the mind works. She is just going to have to be gentle and patient with herself. In fact it means far more that she woke up with crystal clear perception about it all, than she went back to obsessing over every detail for next two hours. Because for first time, there is inkling in her mind, that obsessing over every detail nervously, is not where the reality lies. It is where missing the boat lies. And eventually she will calm down from doing that. And even tho it may seem impossible to her right now, while her nervousness is making her cough and gag..

The fact is the serene understanding and confidence and perception she woke up with, will gradually prevail. It's like the clouds part, and the sun shines thru and you see it all clearly. Then the clouds come back and it is all obscured, and all the phantoms in your mind look real again.

But the contrast will be very helpful. There was an instant of choice. She saw it all clearly and she relaxed. Then so fast she didn't even notice it, she chose to think about all the details again, and made herself so nervous, she is now throwing up. Next time, and it will happen again, she relaxes and starts to get clear bead on it again, and the choice to think about it all again in all its details-- next time, she will notice that instant of choice. She won't rush past it to bring up all the details. She will remember what it brought her this time, and she won't make such a poor choice again. She will simply say to herself "it is an ugly thing the collections agency is doing to me, and the judge will understand it perfectly," and she will let it rest.

Because that is what she saw when she woke up. She saw past all their lawyer talk on their court documents, and knew it was an ugly thing.

It was not how she saw it at first. At first she thought it was fine that each side get their day in court. She had no gripe about what the collections agency was doing. But after collections agency filed in civil court and it was sent to small claims court and collections agency is trying to get it back in civil court, she knew something was wrong. You just don't act like that. You don't push it that way.

It's not that Annie saw them as menacing, oddly enough she is not afraid of them, but she saw it as ugly. She felt that a court had ruled this belonged in small claims. She hadn't expected this ruling, she was pleased with it. She would have gone along with any ruling. But the collections agency won't. He responded by asking for continuance on the basis that this belongs in civil court and sent all his documents.

Well he can ask, but I agree with Annie, it is a lousy thing to do. I too had no quarrel with him filing in civil court so he could ask for all the thousands extra, small claims has a ceiling. I did not like them bullying Annie when she called. Telling her that because she "contested it," she will now have to pay all these extra thousands. I am like Annie, I am fine with each side having their day in court. But I didn't like the bullying then. And I do not like them fighting it now, that it didn't go their way. It is a huge collections agency, they have top notch lawyer in Phoenix, he can file these papers in between a cup of coffee. It is effortless for them. In fact he doesn’t even have to do that, he just tells his secretary to do it, and they write out the 18 dollar check and attach it.

I am not mad at them for causing Annie all these emotions. This is a good experience for her. Let her deal with all her emotions. I simply don't like their bullying. I didn't like their bullying Annie on the phone and I don't like they are fighting the decision to have this heard in small claims court on February 5th.

The world thinks it is just a joke God and Heaven. People who believe in the reality of God are called crackpots. But God is the only reality. It was very unwise of the collections agency lawyer to do that. He wasn't satisfied with a level playing field, he wanted to stack the deck. But you can't screw another person, you can only screw yourself. And the lawyer screwed himself.

So my little darling, all my little darlings who I love more than life itself, let's be happy, all is well, and you are loved by your devoted Father with more love than you could ever imagine.

So let this be a happy day for all, and let God's blessings rest sweetly on you always

Love and kisses, Annie's Higher Self

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