"I get by with a little help from my Higher Self.."

Monday, February 4, 2008

"Sudden Change in Plans"

pic of desert broom

Monday evening 6:29 pm

Communicated by my Higher Self

"Sudden Change in Plans"

It poured all day. Annie and Bill stayed home. Bill cleaned his room, the kitchen, and living room. He worked like a dog. Annie got under the covers and watched old movies. They got phone call from the court early this morning, telling them not to show up tomorrow at Small Claims, that the case is in civil court, because it was brought by a lawyer and no lawyer is allowed in small claims court.

This time Annie did not panic. She figured it would take forever for the case to be heard. The backlog of cases in civil court is tremendous and this case is not urgent. The best thing she can do is put it out of her mind now. Which she more or less did.

The case had been scheduled for small claims court tomorrow morning, now they no longer have to go down for it. It is a big relief in one way. But they do not have the advantage of it being over and done with. But civil court moves so slowly, forgetting about it is the most sensible thing right now.

Annie realized all this right away, but Bill did not. His first reaction was to get upset. But when he saw she wasn't and she gave her reasons, altho her reasons didn't convince him. What finally convinced him was seeing she was not upset at all. That made him calm down and gradually the reasons started to dawn for him too.

It is the first time the two of them did not both become immediately upset. And it made a huge difference that this time only one was upset. Result is Bill calmed down in 5 minutes.

Right after that she got automated phone call from Ron Paul asking his supporters to vote for him tomorrow and she was so thrilled at hearing Ron Paul's voice on phone. She loves the man now that she has started to watch him so closely in the debates.

Bill heard her express all her joy about the Ron Paul phone call and said he wished he could vote for Ron Paul tomorrow too, and he will gladly drive her.

After that they did share 4 perceptions again about the case, but then were able to drop it as topic of discussion. Altho Annie's mind returned to it several times during the first movie she watched on tv. Then she let it fall out of her mind. Good!!

And of course all the tensions about facing tomorrow is gone, it will be an ordinary day for them except for the huge joy of voting for Ron Paul. Good!!

Bill is watching tv now. He had long hard day of house cleaning, and as Harry said "nothing gives you a sense of accomplishment like that." So Bill feels good. Annie didn't do a thing, she never does. She thinks it is very admirable what he did. Because on a cold wet miserable day like today, she cannot imagine facing any chore. Her two rooms are huge mess. But eventually the weather will get nice again, her mind will relax about the court case, and she may start to hang up some of her clothes.

All she has to do is tidy her rooms, so they are not an eyesore to Bill. He says it demoralizes him when he works so hard to clean the house and her two rooms are like that.

Actually on this cold wet miserable day they each did the right thing for themselves. Their goal was to get thru the day the best they could, and each one did. Altho they did it so differently.

Darling, as for your tensions, you just will have to be patient and let it dissipate. You woke up thinking you would go to court for court case tomorrow, it was on your mind all week-end, and then suddenly you aren't.

You just have to let your mind and feelings accommodate to the new set of circumstances. It takes a while. You will have to calm down from all the tension of no case after all, and then balance yourself within "but it means it continues."

But both will happen, you will relax, I promise you, and the tension will evaporate. And you will find balance within "but it means the case continues."

Tomorrow you will vote for Ron Paul, that will bring you so much happiness. You will have the swim you missed today, you will love that.
And there is always a chance your beautiful sunshine will return tomorrow.

All my love to all of you, Annie's Higher Self

Layla's painting of Arizona

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