"I get by with a little help from my Higher Self.."

Saturday, March 8, 2008

"Awash in Miracles"

Friday, 2:36 pm, March 7 2008

Communicated by my Higher Self

"Awash in Miracles"

Annie has not blogged with me for quite some time because she was caught up in filling out the papers ordered by the court. The new full disclosure laws require each side to send all pertinent information about their case to the other side. No deadline is given but a request to do it expeditiously is made. It took her and Bill two weeks to do theirs, and send it off to prosecuting attorney. They have not yet received the one from the prosecuting attorney. Which is just as well. Since it will only alarm them all over again when they read his case. And it reassured them greatly to write up theirs, bring it down to court to be witnessed and then mail it off to him.

Their case is strong and the prosecuting attorney, Mr. Scarewick, may have a few surprises when he reads it. Annie had talked to his secretary the day after the summons to court arrived. At that point she was absolutely ignorant about everything and eager for every scrap of information she could get from the lawyer's secretary about how this whole court thing worked. Annie was patient, sweet, and grateful for any information the secretary was willing to give her. As well as abysmally ignorant. I am sure the lawyer's secretary reported to him that "Annie is doing the case herself, she is a total dodo, and winning this case will be a cinch."

So Mr Scarewick will be quite surprised to read her whole case. She wasn't required by law to send him the whole 10 pages she wrote writing up her case, just the short answers to the questions. And she wondered if she should be showing him her whole case. But I suggested it was a good idea. As the decision to move on to the next step, ask for a hearing with a judge, is up to him. He may not be in such a rush to have it after he reads her case.

Especially the part about the bullying tactics his office used on her. There was a box where she could claim money for damages. And altho Bill and she said "we don't want any money from them." I suggested since one of the steps is negotiations, and since she doesn't want to pay a penny to the bill collector, it's better for her to ask for money, so she has something to negotiate with, then she can come down on what she asks for. After she agreed to that, I suggested she ask for money for bullying. She agreed to that. So then I suggested she ask the bill collector company to write out the check to their friend Jim, who is having such hard times now. I said "let the bill collector company do something good for someone" and naturally she was overjoyed with that.

When it was time to write up the whole long part about that, she was able to give all the details of the bullying, which she had wanted to communicate to the judge from the very beginning and didn't know how.

Even tho the judge does not see this, altho she is asked to bring a copy to the hearing in case the judge wants to see it, Mr Scarewick will see it. He will be very surprised to read in black and white all the details of the bullying, on a document witnessed by the court, even if the court didn't read it, and knowing that Annie will provide a copy to the judge if asked.

I had her ask $1000. from the bill collector company for bullying. Which closely approximates what the bill collector is asking from her.

Mr Skarewith may decide to continue prosecuting the case. He is asking for his lawyer's fees too. He thinks he can get triple the original $600 vet bill by taking this all to court. He was going to ask for $400 in lawyer's fees when he had spent about 20 minutes on her case. When he receives what Annie wrote up, he will realize to win this case, he will have to give it some actual time. It can't be won on the assembly line of the thousands of cases he has going, where all he did was fill out the same answers on every case, and attach the documents from the vet clinic or hospital without even bothering to read them.

To win this case now, Mr Scarewick will have to read carefully everything Annie wrote and come up with answers to all of it to present to a judge, if he goes forward with it. For the first time he has to make a serious decision if this is worth his while. Because for first time he will have to spend some actual time on it. And it is not a sure thing he will win. Annie's case is strong.

Plus does he want the bullying tactics he uses on behalf of collections agency to come out in open court? That is another decision he will have to make.

Annie realized how strong her case was on paper, and then began to worry if she could say it all as well as she wrote it. Since I am the one who dictated all the words for her to write. But I suggested since they are only allowed 30 minutes for the hearing, she simply read her case in court. That will ensure Judge reads it, and she does not have to start the process all over again of rehearsing in her mind what she will say.

So much intense thought and energy went into the writing up of all of this, on both their sides. Annie answered questions 1, 2, 3. Bill answered all the questions about documents and brought in his own facts from another angle. Both Annie and Bill lived with it constantly for two weeks, until the job was finally done on Monday and they brought it all to court. By that time all they each wanted with all of their hearts was just for it to go out of their minds already.

This is why I suggested she just read it if it comes to court. No more thinking about it. That girl has to have some relief, and that boy does too. It was on their backs and in their minds for two solid months plus a few days. Enough is enough!!! I want it over. If the lawyer wants to bring it to court, fine! That is his choice. But thinking about it has to end. And end now.

Strictly speaking it is time to open up a new chapter in their life. LOL the lawyer has 11 months to decide to ask for a hearing. Of course he knows the wear and tear on the emotions this causes, this is the name of the game. The whole idea of bringing it to court from first to last was to make Annie pay up at one of the stages. To intimidate her to pay up. He is a very slick lawyer and may well wait till the 11 month deadline to ask for the hearing. So what!! As long as she and Bill spend that whole time with the case out of their minds, it makes no difference at all. Their case is all written up, safely in a folder. If they receive notice from the court to show up at a hearing date, all they have to do is get it out the evening before. And show up!

The lawyer wants to prolong it, but all I want is it out of their minds. What happens then, happens then. Meanwhile it is time to return to her life, and for Bill to return to his.

Yes Jan and Annie talked on the phone this morning for first time since day before Jan's email arrived few weeks ago. When Annie answered the phone this morning she said "it feels like an eternity since we talked last." Yes it was not the easiest of few weeks. Jan and Harry are going thru all their stress about getting the house ready to put on market because they intend to move back East.

But it has now been 4 days since Annie and Bill brought the court papers to court at the last minute of the day. Annie has had a chance to put out feelers about where life is again. And it strikes her that it all feels odd. For one thing the Tucson weather has been bizarre. After a short respite freezing nights returned. And days were so cold and stormy, the house was like an icebox. And as Jan pointed out "usually March is in the 80s in Tucson, beautiful weather," not an icebox house. Even when the skies cleared, big winds started up. Cold winds from all directions. The spring flowers are all out in Tucson, it is inexplicable that the desert is not enjoying sweet happy warmth.

And emotions are as keyed up as the weather. And a mirror image of it. Two days ago when it was stormy and cold, Annie was nervous as a cat all day long.

But something is going on beyond all that too. Beyond jumpy emotions and changeable weather, it's as if even that is reflection of something far deeper and something far greater. It's as if all the pieces in the jigsaw puzzle which make up the picture, each piece has gotten loosened. As if some structure in the mind which held everything in place has gotten loosened. Annie thought to herself this morning, "it's a good thing I know about all these new age changes, or I would think I was having a nervous breakdown."

Yes huge change is occurring. And yes LOL the symptoms can feel the slightest bit like a nervous breakdown. Because a whole sense of order is shifting. Darling the shift is happening. The big winds are like a physical manifestation of it, pushing in the shift.

Darling a huge HUGE shift is going on. All my darlings, you are in the middle of a HUGE shift. And what you are experiencing is shifting. Everything is shifting. Your entire mind is shifting. Your whole sense of reality is shifting. There is no other way to describe it than your mind is on the move. All you can do is what you all are already doing. Just try to take it easy to the best of your abilities.

A great great great thing is happening. This is the most positive thing which has ever happened yet on your planet. It may be too early for you yet to notice the positives it brings along with all the churning. But in fact a flower garden of tiny miracles are taking place too. None of you may be aware of it yet, but each day, like dandelions sprouting in spring, tiny sweet miracles are popping up in your garden of life. Little golden buds of miracles. Hahaha, while you think all that is happening is you are being buffeted about, here in Heaven we see you awash with golden miracles. Of course how can you notice them in the midst of the storms which buffet you, but in Heaven it is all that can be seen. We see you awash in miracles and we love it.

All my love to all of you
Annie's Higher Self

post script by Annie, Saturday morning,

I just read this morning's Heaven Letter from God to Gloria. Where God promises huge miracles of intense delight have been sent to each one of us, they are on their way, but we don't know when they will arrive. God suggests we don't have to wait for them to arrive to receive all the great happiness they will bring us, if we are willing to have confidence they are sent and will arrive. And such great happiness is coming our way.

You can read it for yourself
here. When they will arrive, I have no idea, but I can try to start to believe they will. God is right, it is fun to have something to look forward to.

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