"I get by with a little help from my Higher Self.."

Thursday, March 27, 2008


Happy Easter to All

Communicated by my Higher Self
Thursday 3/27/08
7:29 am


It is lovely spring morning in Tucson. Annie is not as nervous as she has been, so maybe this is a good time to blog together. She and Jan talked long time on telephone yesterday morning, and each asked the other "where did all the nervousness come from?" Jan said it went away few days ago, which is pretty much what Annie had, altho the intensity of it had started to ebb few days before that, right after the Equinox.

So Annie said to Jan she will ask me what is going on. What can I say? Huge changes were going on, and still are going on, altho the mind has stabilized. Actually what happened was major ascension. This simply means your mind was going higher. At its most intense point, when the acceleration was so intense, when Annie started to feel after a while of it "it is like being crazy or having a nervous breakdown" -- it was akin to the spin cycle in a drier. The reason the mind was so afflicted with negative thoughts and there appeared to be no escape from them, is that the intense acceleration was "spinning" them out of your mind. They were flying out. It is a purification process. A discharging. You can picture it as a powerful blower brought to bear on your mind. It actually blew out all the negative thoughts. That was why it was so unbearable to be in your mind, one negative thought followed another, with its charged negativity.

Of course there is no way for you to see how clean your mind is now as a result. But as you start to relax more and more, and you will, actually what you will experience is your mind is higher up than it used to be. It was the negative thoughts in it, which had densified it and lowered it, and without them pulling your mind down, it naturally rises up. You actually experienced all this happening. During the time when all the negative thoughts were being blown off, when one after another came into your mind, you did think "what a drag!" Exactly! These are the thoughts which were dragging down your mind. And now they are gone.

You may not yet realize how they are gone and if they are gone, but you will notice your mind is higher. By higher I mean you will notice you are closer to your Higher Self. The distance between where you are and I am (or your own Higher Self) has minimized. In fact, altho this may be too hard for you to believe, you are at my level. For first time ever you share my ground. Your mind has reached up to where your Higher Self lives.

This is such a bright and beautiful thing to have happened, so new and clean and pure, and so alive and so fresh. This is the freshness of the instant of dawn, cool and fresh, and thrilling with the dawn of brand new day, and the birds singing to greet it, and the light filled with translucence. Everything of newness is there. The very start of dawn is breathtaking, it doesn't last that long, soon the new day is in swing. My darling, all my darlings, this is exactly where you are. At the breathtaking beginning, at the absolutely new.

Life will feel a little easier now, you will walk with lighter step. This is what a break-thru feels like. You are all doing great!

All my love to all of you,
Annie's Higher Self

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