"I get by with a little help from my Higher Self.."

Thursday, March 27, 2008

"I am a corruption fighter"

I love this photo
(someone posted it on my news forum)

"I am a corruption fighter"
Communicated by my Higher Self
Wednesday, March 26, 2008, 8:35 AM

Annie is doing fine. Yes there are pools of anxiety in her mind but she tries to steer her canoe away from the sharp rocks and rapids. There is a nice even channel she has been on for past few days, and as long as she keeps her mind there, and doesn't slip over to past traumas, or problems waiting in the wings, she is fine.

She's back posting on her political site in the mornings, where as usual, she doesn't see eye-to-eye with anyone on the site. But she likes the conversation and posting her two cents how she sees things. And in the evenings she has been watching the political news on tv, which she enjoys. For first time she finds the political news gratifying instead of frustrating. That girl has had such relentless frustration for so long. In fact I was going to forbid her to follow it, because frustration was turning to despair, and corruption was enticing her to anger. And then suddenly out of the blue, it all turned around and is going her way. Everything she had wished for for so long, is happening, is happening right in front of her eyes. 8 years of frustration and now it is here. She had given up, and now it is happening.

Yes I know her dream of Ron Paul does not appear to be happening at all, but there were things she wanted with all her heart before she even heard of Ron Paul, and those are the things which are happening now. She is thrilled and excited beyond belief. Yes her interpretation of the meaning of the events unfolding now is different from anyone else's. What I mean is she sees a different outcome. She sees the forces at work differently. But it is what she sees that makes her so overjoyed. Because what she sees as outcome, is the end to a very specific current of corruption, that she wanted with all her heart to end.

It is impossible for Annie to see herself as a corruption fighter. Her image of a corruption fighter is from 1930s black and white gangster movies, and involves big men chomping on cigars. Her life, swimming all plumpy-wumpy in her bikini, wriggling her toes under water; coming home to Andy Griffiths in Mayberry and The Beverly Hillbillies; and on a banner day, going to the mall to buy herself a pretty summer top on clearance, is the life of a corruption fighter.

A new pink wallet, black patent leather sling-backs, vanilla pudding, chocolate pudding, the delicious thrill of watching "MONK." Cooking up a storm of yummy food for her pups, then making cream cheese and raspberry jelly on saltines for herself, with a Dr Pepper, and watching MASH.

Listening to the bird song. Being overjoyed at the cassia bushes in her yard in full bright glorious yellow.

How can she see herself as corruption fighter?

But it has been a long hard fight for 10 years, with almost nothing but defeat for her. Even what appeared like major victories 8 years ago, wound up bringing even more defeat. And for the past 7 years it has been solid relentless defeat.

Last year I told her to give up the fight. So she did. And then Ron Paul decided to run, and so she had somewhere else to focus energy. Instead of fighting corruption, she supported his run for the presidency.

And to her big surprise his run for the presidency appears to have fizzled out, but to her huger surprise the big corruption is heading for a fall.

It is the last thing she ever expected and says to me "it is too good to be true."

So now she eats her bonbons and smokes her cigs and drinks her Dr Pepper as she watches the political news. No one on the tv seems to be aware of what I tell Annie is true. "But they don't know, and I do," I tell her. And a frisson of delight goes over her, as I explain what is happening, and what it will lead to, and what it all means.

She actually shivers with delight...

I know corruption fighting is an unusual hobby, but there is a whole side of Annie which is like the Moon at night, rather than the Sun in day. In fact this is true of everyone. It is not the side of themselves they see, or are aware of, or identify with. It is not how they see themselves, but it affects their interests and hobbies. It pulls them in certain directions and makes certain things very interesting. And altho Annie may see herself as a girl with her head in the stars, in fact she finds corruption fighting very interesting.

All my love to all of you,
Annie's Higher Self

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