"I get by with a little help from my Higher Self.."

Friday, April 4, 2008

"My life is now TV"


Friday, April 4, 2008
Communicated by my Higher Self
6:54 am

"My life is now TV"

It is a beautiful early morning in early April, and the trees are dressed in their early green leaf, a very pretty green, the green of new life. Bill has been doing a lot of work on the roof. They come home from the pool, he sits for a while outside to wait for it to cool down slightly, then he gets out the ladder and goes up there, and stays up there till it is too dark to see. It is not only patching the hole where the water collects when it rains and pours thru the ceiling and wall. The bigger job he does up there, the one which is taking all this time, is getting the coolers ready for when the big heat arrives in mid-May. The spiders were all clogged, so he bought the kits to build new ones, which is an easy job for the professional cooler repair men who do that all the time, but is tricky and difficult for someone who has never done it.

The great advantage to doing all this work now, is for two months he said he was going to do it, it has been on his back long time, and there is huge relief in actually doing it, instead of putting it off and thinking "I will have to face it." Also when the second-hand car acted bizarrely last week he took it in to Mark and Larry and was told another huge car repair bill to fix the problem. And when he finally told Annie about it yesterday morning, she pointed out they save money by him doing all this work on roof now, instead of paying professionals to do it, so that is the money they have for new car repair bill. Which has sweetened all these jobs for Bill because now he doesn't only see it, as doing what has to be done, but sees it "as this pays for the new car repair." The 2nd hand old car gets used so rarely, they go everywhere in truck, but Bill is very fond of the big old second-hand car and wants it to be in good running order, there are certain times and places he likes driving it, and he wants it.

Annie is still watching a lot of tv, half the afternoon and all evening. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Her cable line-up took away the old movie station, so she no longer has the option of hoping there will be a good movie on. So she has started to watch a lot of things she never watched before. She had kept away from some of the reality tv shows, because she would see those tense unhappy faces and just click past them. But as soon as she actually starts watching one, she gets addicted, because they are real people with real problems. And she gets involved caring about them, and sorting thru their problems, and even asking me for help in understanding and suggestions for solutions.

I think it is too bad her cable company managed to take away most of the entertainment shows Annie totally enjoyed watching. She used to be so happy watching "Matlock," she had so much fun watching an old movie with no interruptions for commercials. There was a sweetness and happiness when she would nestle down on her pillows, eat her bonbons smoke her cigs, and think "this is too good to be true." Treats just came in so many directions. She isn't having this anymore. The MONK shows are all re-runs she has seen, and even tho occasionally one is so good, that she derives delicious happiness from seeing it all over again, usually she switches back to news show when she realizes "O I remember this one."

And sometimes the news shows don't hold her interest. There are times she spends as much time looking for something to watch, as she does watching anything. That is usually when she winds up watching one of the new reality tv shows for first time, and then gets pulled into that. I'm not crazy about that because often the people do have real problems, hard ones. I'm happier when Annie blisses out in front of MONK or Matlock and thinks "life is worth living." I like it when she feels life is delicious. LOL but I'd rather her watch reality tv and think about their problems, than shut the tv down in frustration and think about her own. And I haven't encouraged her to go on her forum in the evenings, to solve the boring tv problem, because at night many posters drink. She's had too many experiences of being lashed out at by posters down in their cups. It was productive for a long time because it gave her so much practice in trying to keep her balance. But I don't want her to have emotional evenings on her forum now. We are doing something else in her life.

"But what?" Annie wonders. She is accustomed to a lot of tv, but not this much tv. She used to spend a few hours with tv, and a lot of time on her forum, now I have switched it. A few hours in the morning on her forum, when most posters post from work and are lucid, and then a long time on tv, late afternoon and whole of evening.

But I like it because it shores up energy. Right now her life has small difficulties, not big ones. But a small difficulty can bump and jostle you. They can be a bumpy ride. Previously for Annie the small difficulties were like a bad patch of road in a car with no springs in it. She really did get buffeted about. I'm not saying she has to ace her small difficulties. But if she has a nice flow of energy available, she has a better chance of not being run off the road, when her car of life hits some rocks and starts to swerve and careen (and throws her into that briar patch). What that extra energy does, is help her deal with it while it is going on, and recover swiftly from it when it is over....

Yes she may feel like she is in a holding pattern. But huge change is taking place on the planet. Huge change is taking place in all of your minds. If ever there was a time to try to take it easy whenever you can, this is the time.

All my love to all of you
Annie's Higher Self

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