"I get by with a little help from my Higher Self.."

Thursday, October 25, 2007


8 quail arrive together in my yard every day, for past two months, I am thrilled!

Thursday October 25 2007 6:55 am
Communicated from my Higher Self "Friends"

She woke up early again this morning, after oversleeping for past 3 mornings. She woke up early enough to greet the beautiful sunrise again, which she loves. The tree to the west is lit up gold from the sun, but her yard is still in shadow of dawn. It is very pretty time, and is her favorite. The birds are already up and chirping loudly. She loves their spirited chirps.

The weather is the perfect weather too where she can sit at her desk by open window in strapless top. Winter moves in so quickly on the desert. This time of perfect temperature is short. But O so sweet. Her brother is on a one-week bike trip with friends in Sedona, and she is glad that the one week a year of perfect weather coincided with his bike trip. Altho the first day of his bike trip was the biggest wind which ever was. She does not know how anyone could stay on bike during that wind. Both Annie and Bill are close to their siblings this week. Annie, because she knows her brother is in her State, not that far from where she is. And Bill, because his sister is in the path of the wildfires in California. He has been on the phone with her, and his heart is with her now. “She emailed and she didn’t call” he said last night, “good! that means she has not been evacuated.” And Annie woke up thinking, “good, her brother got another perfect day for his bike trip.”

Whatever that “thing” was, she has come thru it. There are no more traces of funk, there are no more traces of booboo, even the daze and sleepiness are over. She is on the other side of it. Her life changed in subtle ways. From the changes it brought, she is free-er. She is less attached. More fresh air does blow thru her mind. A host of petty anxieties, which always buzzed around her mind, like having pests in your mind, hasn’t been there. Like that first breath of winter few days ago, which took the flies off. She can lie in bed now and read her book without being constantly bugged by the flies. So too her mind, is pest free.

She has problems she hasn’t solved, but she no longer bugs herself all day long, about clothes piled up on the chair or empty shoe boxes all over the floor of her room. She notices, she is irked for a second, and then lets it go. It is no longer such a huge deal that her two rooms are a mess.

Even her problems, she is no longer dwelling on them. She allows them 3 consecutive thoughts, and then turns her mind away from them. She read that in a Heaven Letter, where Gloria takes down God’s words each morning. God pointed out that dwelling on it doesn’t help. “Let it have 3 thoughts, and then pet it and let it go.” And she has been trying that and it has been working. It had never occurred to her to make the simple connection that dwelling on a problem doesn’t help solve it. It just robs her of her happiness while she does it. She needs more money, but dwelling on it doesn’t solve it.


She thinks one of her friends she has been on email with, may be mad at her. Her friend Jennie from Seattle. At first she thought “what have I done to offend Jennie?” But then she realized she hadn’t done anything. She knows Jennie has taken offense at something she did, but she also knows she didn’t do anything. So she decided to let Jennie choose whether she wants the friendship or not. If Jennie chooses not to have it, fine. This is really a first for Annie. To think a friend is mad at her, to think a friend took offense at something she did, and yet to think she was perfectly fine and if her friend wants to end the friendship over it, that is free will and she will respect it.

She realized we all have our tiny little faults. Jennie was her college roommate, and it had never occurred to her Jennie had her tiny little faults too. But she does. Her tiny little fault is she ends the friendship for no reason, she takes offense. It happened once before with Annie, and Annie forgot about it, and now it has happened again.

Annie had not paid attention to her friendships during the 8 years she was consumed being on internet forums 24/7. She was just involved with the people on the forums. Her friendships were sideline. But ever since she has been off her forums, she has been paying full attention to her friendships. And before she went on internet forums, she was consumed watching the news on tv 24/7. So it has been quite a while since she has paid full attention to her friendships, that they have been the prominent thing in her mind.

She has noticed Jan really is her sidekick in this new age business. She has a companion on the path. In one way each one is on their path alone, cause the path is really between them and their Higher Self. But she has Jan to share her experiences with, and to hear Jan’s experiences. And to assess where they are on the way to the Mass Ascension, and to watch the Mass Awakening approach together. Once you have a friend for this, you cannot imagine not having one. It is having a companion in adventure. She would not want to be alone, and Bill is not into this very much. He wasn’t into it at all, but now he has opened his mind.

Marilyn is a brand-new friend, with all the joy a brand-new friendship offers. The warmth and gladness of being friends spilling over their emails. They are just happy to have found a new friend. It brings warmth into both of their lives and conviviality. Helen has completely disappeared from view this whole past month. Helen was one of her closest friends, and at first the deprivation of that friendship was acute. It left such a gaping hole. She kept waiting for Helen to return to view. But Helen has a house guest, and Annie understands when you have a house guest you have no room for anything else. It has made her focus more on the friends who are available. She appreciates so much what they offer. Margot does not email very much, she sees. She has full-time job, plus marriage, plus they just added their second puppy. Plus Margot is a painter. But she feels close to Margot now that she reads Margot’s blog, and uses some of her paintings to post here on this blog.

Jan, Marilyn, and Margot are in her mind all the time, which is where friendship takes place. With Jan she thinks about ideas to share with Jan or perceptions. With Marilyn, she thinks about her life, what she is doing, where she is. And with Margot with advent of the new puppy, she thinks about Priscilla, and how happy Margot and Scott must be to have two dogs again, after their two other dogs going to Heaven two years ago.

Eventually Helen will return, but Annie is no longer impatient about this. Things have settled down for her. And new buds of friendship have started up in other places. With Peggy, in Atlanta, with Jim in Texas. And some who have dropped off the radar, because they got busy with their lives, will return. And there is always the unexpected. There was that two week period when she did not hear from anyone, she felt completely isolated. And when she thought “I cannot take this,” out of the blue, was an email filled with communication from Jan’s husband Harry. So there is always the unexpected too. Which comes thru when you least expect it, and saves the day.

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