"I get by with a little help from my Higher Self.."

Friday, October 26, 2007

"Linda and Valerie"

Rufus and Priscilla
pics posted on Margot's blog today

Mister Rufus! He is looking for Priscilla whom he is fascinated with. They play well together. He can overwhelm her with his speed, size and tenacity but she gives him what-for and provokes him by biting his nose.

After a good bout of growling at Rufus, Priscilla is pooped.

October 26, 2007, 7:42 am, Friday
Communicated by my Higher Self "Linda and Valerie"

October 26th, today, is Linda’s birthday. Annie will send Linda email birthday card later today. She remembers the birthdays of all her friends from NYC because of her days as an astrologer. She would write down their birthday or memorize it, and then look it up in her ephemeris and draw up their chart. She did this because she was studying astrology. She wanted to see all the charts. She still remembers many of their charts. She remembers where all the Planets were in Linda’s chart and that she has a Grand Trine.

Linda’s Sun Sign is the Sign of intelligence, she is extraordinarily intelligent. Which is a great pleasure to her friends. It is fun to have a friend who is so intelligent, the light of their intelligence shines on everything. Annie enjoys soaking it up. Seeing everything in the light of Linda's intelligence. Having so much intelligence brought to bear on everything. Linda’s intelligence is so natural and so artless, like breathing, that it is a very comfortable joy. It is not like being an intellectual where the mind is always straining. It is just a very clear-sighted way of seeing things. A nice silvery light. Instead of everything being obscured in the dark, it is all sharp and clear under Linda’s clear mind. Being a photographer is good choice for her, because her mind is like a lens which makes everything so sharp and clear. Plus she has all that heart, so her photos are all heart, with sharp and clear lens. Perfect!!

Thinking about Linda makes Annie realize each one of her friends is a beautiful flower. Linda is one beautiful flower, Jan is another, Margot is another, Helen is another. Each is such a different flower. Some are quieter, some are showier. The colors are not the same, nor the bloom. But Annie has no favorites, she loves them all. They are the flowers in her garden. She has a very high opinion of, and great appreciation for, her friends. To her each one is a lovely goddess. With amazing abilities.

She called Helen in Hawaii last night because she has not heard from Helen for a solid month. Maybe more. Could be 5 weeks. One of the pleasures of that phone conversation, is that they know the same girls. For a part of that conversation, Helen tuned into her Higher Self while they were on the phone. Helen doesn’t just get words like Annie does, she gets pictures too. Helen said “my Higher Self just showed me Linda all lit up with light, ‘Linda stands in light’ my Higher Self said, and I saw it, it was so vivid.” Annie was not surprised, she and Linda have been friends very long time and very close friends, Helen does not know Linda as well.

When Linda was social work supervisor, and Helen’s close friend Valerie had just finished social work school, naturally it was suggested Valerie ask Linda for a job. “Just tell Linda, you are Helen’s best friend, and you are friends with me too,” Annie told Valerie. And Linda hired Valerie on the spot. Linda was overjoyed. The two girls decided right from the start, if anything were to go wrong in their friendship, they would not say a word to Helen or to Annie, so they would not be drawn into taking sides. But that is not what happened. The two girls had the most glorious friendship there ever was, because work is an all-day affair and because they worked together. They had lunch together, they went shopping together. They shared each others life.

Linda had her toddler daughter then and brought her to work, and Valerie got to know Linda’s daughter in a way Annie never did. Intimately. Linda and Valerie got to know each other more intimately, even than Annie did with Linda, or Helen did with Valerie. Because Linda has that extraordinary ability to make the work place so much fun, a place of loving wonderful friendship. And joy. For the longest time both girls were infinitely grateful to Annie and Helen, that they had this, because of them. They had brought them together. And Linda really really got to know Valerie in a way Annie never did. And Valerie really really got to know Linda, in a way Helen never did.

Linda was so happy having Valerie there. She loved Valerie. She had great joy having Valerie with her, it was great how much happiness each girl gave the other.

And then the falling out occurred. Annie heard it first from Valerie and then from Linda, and it was the same story. Valerie disrespected Linda as a social worker. And since Annie had first met Linda as a social worker, she had met Linda in the work place a long time ago, she knew Linda was a brilliant social worker, and brilliant administrator. There was no question about it, she was on Linda’s side.

And when she heard the story from Linda it went deeper than that. Valerie did not think Linda was intelligent. And you know Annie thinks Linda is the sine qua non of intelligence. Valerie behaved very disrespectfully even contemptuously to Linda, Linda said. Annie was shocked that anyone would treat Linda contemptuously, it was unfathomable to her. She admires Linda, and always has. Annie was 100 per cent on Linda’s side, and very shocked at Valerie. Which did not matter because Annie was in Tucson for very long time before she finally heard Linda’s side of the story, and by that time she had lost all contact with Valerie. Of course Linda had to fire Valerie, she could not keep an employee who had contempt for her work.

Valerie did call once a few years ago to ask for Linda’s phone number, because she was applying for a State License and needed Linda to write on the application how Valerie had worked there. But I don’t think Linda did the favor for Valerie. She was thru with Valerie. The fight had started over photos. They were supposed to divide the photos in half. But Valerie said she would take them home and choose the ones she wanted. And Linda said she knew Valerie would take forever choosing the photos, and it wouldn’t be fair division. Valerie would take all the good ones.

Altho Annie spent 2 years helping Valerie write her papers for social work school, she does not have this kind of personal relationship. Where she would know Valerie would take forever and would not divide fairly. All she knows of Valerie is how she writes term papers, that was their whole relationship. And since the relationship was Annie doing Valerie the favor, there was no favor that Valerie would not do in return. She was very appreciative.

If Linda said Valerie would take forever to choose and then not divide fairly, it was probably true. Linda herself is totally fair. Scrupulously so. And she would never take forever. So Linda said no to Valerie, and that is how the friendship broke down. Valerie did not mention the photos, she just told Annie, Linda was not a good social worker, and she had considered reporting her. Which shocked Annie to her toes.

Annie did not have any qualms abut siding completely with Linda -- because Valerie’s life had changed so dramatically. Out of nowhere Valerie’s husband became a tremendously successful radio personality. He had just been a lawyer, in a very modest position, but he turned out to have astounding gift for radio. After living in the most humble of circumstances, they now had wealth galore. Moved into the fanciest apartment in a NYC neighborhood, bought fancy country house.

Linda had treated Valerie very well as worker. Treated her completely as an equal, as a co-worker and colleague, and considered her brilliant social worker. She had talked to Annie a lot abut Valerie’s brilliance.

I think for Annie, bottom line is the work place. She knows all friendships can have ups and downs, there is nothing abnormal about that. But someone who turns the workplace into a place of total joy for you, that is worth its weight in gold. Because this was before Valerie’s astounding good fortune began, before her husband’s career took off like a comet. Going to work after that may have been redundant, but before that going to work was something that was part and parcel of life. And to turn the work place into place of sublime joy, Linda’s great talent, Annie cannot comprehend how anyone could turn their nose up at that. Because the first year Annie went to work was at the social work agency with Linda. She loved it there. But that agency closed down 6 months later, and for the rest of her working career, the work place was not a place Annie liked to be at all. And all her dreams focused on getting out of it. A joy had been changed into a prison.

Altho at one of her jobs, the one on Wall Street, she became friends with Shirley Wong. They would walk home together to Chinatown, where Shirley lived. And Shirley would take Annie out for Chinese coffee. Which means coffee and a plate of wontons. And Annie loved being in the Chinese coffee shop with Shirley, and eating her plate of wontons. And she loved the walk back to Chinatown with Shirley too And that is the only happiness at work Annie had since she left the social work agency with Linda. Linda had made that one a total joy for her. Annie had a very nice friendship with Shirley. It wasn’t a 4th of July celebration like with Linda, where everything was thrilling and wonderful. But it was a very quiet joy between two girls who liked each other.

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