"I get by with a little help from my Higher Self.."

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


I have cactus wrens in my yard too, they are brilliant, and bold

Wednesday, 8:30 am, October 24, 2007

Communicated from my Higher Self


It’s a beautiful morning. The days have been like paradise. The air is so pure and clean you can drink it. And it is the joy of Annie’s life, having all the windows and doors open and the lovely air blowing all over her no matter where she is in the house. And lounging outside is a joy.

Last night as she lied in bed, we talked about Iraq. Her friend Jim had sent her the link to Riverbend’s newest blog entry and Annie had read it last night.

Riverbend is Iraqi girl living in Baghdad. Her family are well-to-do and educated. River was born in their very comfortable house in very nice section of Baghdad. The whole extended family is well off. Her uncle used to make regular trips to England.

Annie has followed River’s blog for past 4 years ever since the American occupation of Iraq. River was in her mid-twenties then, and is close to 30 now. And Annie knows a lot about River, her family, their house, their customs, Baghdad and Iraq, and their experiences over the past 4 years. Plus River’s take on everything which happened in the news in Iraq.

River’s family finally gave up and left for Syria few months ago. And this is only the second time River has blogged since she has been in Syria. The first blog was about the leave-taking of Iraq. And this one is about extending their visa for Syria, by crossing the border and then standing in line, to get back into Syria. Each time you do this, the visa is extended for another month or two.

Because River’s family has money, they have already rented a very nice apartment in Syria. Other Iraqis with money are already living there too, in the same apartment building, and have already made River’s family welcome. The Iraqi children are already in school in Syria. There has been a huge influx and wherever River goes she hears Iraqi being spoken. She is surrounded by kin folk and fellow émigrés.

The story of leaving Iraq, the blog from last month, was very touching. Because her father bought them all a big suitcase, and said “you can take whatever fills your suitcase.” She had lived her whole life in that room. Her baby possessions were still there, her favorite stuffed animals. She did not know what to put in her suitcase, she wanted to take everything which meant anything to her.

But this new blog from yesterday, except for the beginning where River said how beautiful Syria is and there are beautiful mountains all around where they are living, is all gripes. River is very resentful about being forced to leave Iraq, and very resentful about what is going on in her country. She is in a rage about everything.

From first to last, the whole four years Annie has been reading River’s blog, River has been in a rage about the destruction of her country.

Which is why Annie had stopped reading River’s blog until the actual move to Syria. She read the one about her father’s decision to move the family to Syria, and then about the move. Annie was tired of reading River’s tantrums about what is going on in Iraq.

Annie had followed Iraq very closely for the first 3 years. She read River’s blog, she read Aljazeera on the net. She read everything. She followed it very closely. Until last year when she totally stopped reading about Iraq.

Every day had been fresh disaster, it went into her heart. I tried to keep her spirits up, “this will have good end” I promised. But when the new government was too weak, and people turned their back on the wise Ayatollah, she knew it was all over.

We had talked a lot about Iraq, about what was going on and what it meant, during the whole time she was following it closely. But we have not talked about Iraq again until last night, when she read River’s new blog entry.

“Iraq is finished” I told her. “All that waits now is for Ron Paul to be president. He will withdraw the US troops instantly, and then Iraq will be taken over by gangsters. The drug dealers will own Iraq.” “Iraq is finished” I said 3 times.

“It was up to Iraqis to save their country and they did not. They got caught up in selfishness, they got caught up in revenge,” I said.

“Look at River,” I said, “what did she do to save her country? For 4 straight years all she did was complain, and then when it got too bad, their family skedaddled. Gandhi was able to save his country from the British and not a drop of blood was lost. Iraq had one wise leader, there was a very wise Ayatollah who told them how to save their country, and no one listened to him, they preferred revenge and bloodshed.”

And then we talked about the Mass Awakening scheduled for 3 years from now.

“How will I wait?” Annie said, “I will be so impatient.”

“It won’t be so hard” I said, “you will have an interesting time watching it come in.”

“But I will have to go thru another long hot summer next summer. How will I get thru another long hot summer?” she asked.

“It won’t be like this summer” I said. “This summer was so hot. Next summer will move faster because of the speed-up. Plus you will watch the election. You will watch Ron Paul being elected. That will be exciting for you.

I said, “When Ron Paul is president, everything will change. There will no longer be cover. Everything will be exposed. The day he is elected will be a day to celebrate. Let’s have celebration together.”

“Who?” she asked, “me and Bill?”

“No, Bill has not cared as much as you have cared so much for so long. Let us celebrate, you and I.”

“I don’t want to drink champagne tho” she said.

“You don’t have to. You can have a pepsi cola, and we will drink together and celebrate.”

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