"I get by with a little help from my Higher Self.."

Friday, February 22, 2008

email from Jan and "Baby Chick"

email from my friend Jan yesterday morning, I love it because it describes my feelings better than I could

Hi again,

I called you this morning but you weren't in. I didn't leave a message because I wasn't feeling good and wanted to take a nap. Lately I have been going through something physically. I will get exhausted and feel off for a couple of days, then feel great and have loads of energy for a couple of days. Like I am fighting something... This has been going on for a couple of weeks now and it can get frustrating.

I'm so glad that you like "Project Runway." I really enjoy it also. I often too get relaxed at night when I turn on the TV. It's like the day is over and I feel no pressure even though when I think of it I really don't have that much pressure during the day except for self-induced pressure. I have been very hard on myself lately, judging myself harshly. And everything makes me a nervous wreck. I think I am driving Harry nuts. We'll talk soon.

Love, Jan

9:29 am Friday 2/22/08

communicated by my Higher Self

"Baby chick"

Hahaha it is cold cloudy and dismal again but this time Annie is not upset by it, she is starting to roll with the punches with the variable weather. She just put on two sweaters, two skirts, made herself a cup of coffee and buttered toast and sat down at her machine. Lit up a cigarette, and then read her Heaven Letter for that day. She has a more accepting attitude. And oddly enough, despite all her tsuris about the court case, she is not really thrown for a loop by it. It comes in and out of her mind. It agitates her when it comes in, but she has peace when it leaves. Which is the most one can ask for. LOL no one wants to go up against a slick lawyer who is suing them in court.

And underneath everything a stability is coalescing. When Jan called her on the phone yesterday there was a new note of merriment in Jan's voice. And last night I told her Jan has made a major breakthru altho she not realized it yet. And this odd month which Jan describes so perfectly in her email, will result in breakthrus for all. Major change is taking place. But the change is on such a deep inner level, that the only evidence of what is going on, has been what Jan described in her email. It would be as if a major change were taking place at bottom of the ocean, but the only evidence of what is taking place is the surface is roiled just slightly but in a whole different way.

Annie could not understand why she spent the past month so roiled when "nothing is going on." Which is a cosmic joke. Because what is going on for all now is huge. You are moving to a whole other place in your mind. The ascension has started for real. Which is why for first time in her life, Annie finds herself thinking "how exactly does the baby chick get out of the egg, it pecks and pecks at the shell until it breaks?" And that is exactly what is going on now. You are all starting to peck at your shell. You are in the process of moving out. And some of the feelings you have, the pervasive chilly draftiness, funny feelings about food, a little crazy in the mind, looking forward all day to when you get under the covers at night, turn on the tv, and escape, so you can finally relax. A baby chick might have a few feelings too when it first pokes its head out of the shell. It's a new world out there.

God bless you all
All my love, Annie's Higher Self


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