"I get by with a little help from my Higher Self.."

Friday, February 8, 2008

"Emotions about politics"

Friday morning 2/8/08 9:15 am
Communicated by my Higher Self
"Emotions about politics"

Today is a beautiful morning and even tho it was cold in house last night, not cold enough they had to turn on the heat, so desert has started to warm up finally. It was a long cold winter for the desert.

Both Annie and Bill had watched the results of Super Tuesday primary elections on their own TVs, and Annie had voted in the primary that day. They watched the results on different channels as they each prefer their own news channel. But both were very interested. Both are following this election closely.

Annie has been following politics intently for 10 years, but it is still very new to Bill. So there are some understandings she has already reached, which he is still on the way to reaching. Like everything else in the news, the real story is always way underneath. At one time journalists used to penetrate to the truth of the situation and bring that to their readers. But that time is long past. While a few still try to maintain objectivity, most are partisan supporters. It's possible to glean a few ideas from watching the news, but interpretation on what it means, is now up to the individual. They must do the hard work, either thru their intuition, or with the help of their Higher Self, of penetrating to the truth. Because nowhere will it be said or seen.

And every effort will be made to misdirect from the truth, cast dust in your eyes. It takes fortitude and patience and determination. And above all willingness -- when it comes to politics most are ideological, so they put their ideology first and truth is hidden from them. Bill's dad was one of the very very very few people who had intuition to see clearly. For Annie and Bill it is a long slow process with the help of their Higher Self, one step at a time. Because their Higher Selves must deal with all the prejudices which lay in the way of truth. These are long held beliefs, which must be very very very gently removed, when the willingness is there, which obscure truth from their eyes.

And yes some incredibly dark things are taking place out of sight and below the surface. They are dark, they are dangerous, and they are seen by nearly no one. I worked long and hard to get Annie to be willing to see it. And Bill's Higher Self is working long and hard with him now. This is why they are on the same page. Finally!

What happened last night was very interesting and very unexpected. Because two things happened at the same time. Finally Bill was willing to see it all. He saw the whole picture crystal clearly. And he saw how it is pitch black. But Annie has lived with that pitch black picture for a long time, and finally for first time she saw a ray of light in it.

Bill came in excitedly to tell her all he saw. And because it is all true, she was grateful he finally saw it. But it had a crushing effect on her happiness. Because it put out the little light which had just dawned for her over the past few days. She was back into that pitch black which she has lived with for so many years now. Why she has so much passion and so much emotion about saving her country, is a story within itself. But it is where she lives. For 10 years her whole happiness has depended upon it. Altho I have tried to spend the last month weaning her off it. And it appeared I had made some progress. But I guess I had not because she was absolutely devastated when Bill told her all he saw.

She was completely engulfed in hopelessness. She could not bear it, what was in store for her country, that such evil should take place here. And because no one was aware of it, there was no one to stop it. It really looked like evil had won. Even tho she had spent the past 10 years warning about it on internet, no one had listened to her, no one had believed her, no one had heeded her in the least. She had utterly failed to make the unseen seen. And no one could have tried harder.

There was nothing I could do when the waves of hopelessness drowned her, but promise her God would save her country. "Do you believe God exists?" I asked. "Yes" she said. "Do you believe God is all-powerful?" I asked. "Yes" she said. "Do you believe God can save your beloved country?" I asked. And she didn't answer. She tried to believe it, then she remembered how Hitler had come to power in Germany. The German people had not stopped him, nor had God. And so she did not believe God either could or would save her country.

"Enough of Hitler already" I said. "Hitler is always used as proof that either God does not exist at all, or God has no power, or God does not care. These are all falsehoods. You are going to have to forget about Hitler if you are willing to believe God exists, and God is all-powerful and God will save your darling loved country. I promise you Annie, I promise you God can and will."

And finally after a long time, she was able to believe my promise. She was able to believe God was all-powerful and God could and would save her country.

I pointed out the miracles God had done in the past to save her country. And she knew it was true. She knew how dangerous and black it was then, and only God had saved it. "And God will do it again" I told her, "I promise you."

"It doesn't matter that Bill sees a picture which is all black and I showed you a little light in the darkness. You are on different timing. It is a necessary step for him to see how black it is, and where the danger comes from, and how formidable the danger is. But you have seen this for long time. A glimmer of light has now appeared for first time, and that glimmer of light is real. The totally black picture Bill sees now, does not take into account the new tiny glimmer of light."

"And Annie, in all your despair about this, you have overlooked a very important thing. Finally your husband sees everything you see. Finally Bill sees the truth. This is a great thing, for anyone to see the truth here. In fact you should go down on your hands and knees and thank God for it."

So finally Annie picked her head up out of despair. She believed God would save her country, she was glad Bill finally saw the truth. But her lighthearted merry approach to watching the elections was gone, because it was vivid in front of her eyes again, all the black danger awaiting.

I had worked so hard to finally get her to put all that black danger out of her mind, and now it was back. But I am content I rescued her from despair. Of course she could not go back to watching her favorite shows, but she did calm down and fall asleep eventually, and woke up in the middle of the night. The movie "The Reivers" was just starting and she watched it with total joy. And woke up perfectly happy this morning. So a huge cloud lifted from her head and heart.

And all that was on her mind was Bill's idea, that he came in with before he went to sleep, on how Jim could beat the parking ticket. Jim and Bill had gone down to court together on Wednesday, because Bill was witness. It was rainy cold dark night, neither saw the "No Parking" sign. They had gone down for state championship of high school football game, and there was nowhere to park anywhere near the stadium.

The judge had not accepted that excuse, and Jim had decided to fight it. And Bill came up with a great idea last night of what Jim can do to fight it and win. And Bill wants Annie to tell Jim on the phone and she will. It is a great idea.

post script, there is no point in Annie trying to communicate to anyone how she views what is happening in the political arena, because neither her left wing friends nor the right wing posters on her site, will believe her for an instant. Everyone prefers their own perception, which is how it should be. Every person has their Higher Self to offer suggestions on how to see things, if the person asks. And what their Higher Self tells them may be absolutely different from what I have told Annie. Because the single purpose of the Higher Self is to deliver you to peace happiness harmony joy. And only your own Higher Self knows how to do that. So altho it may be interesting to hear what someone else's Higher Self told them, all that matters is what your Higher Self tells you, because that is the way to your happiness.

All my love, Annie's Higher Self

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