"I get by with a little help from my Higher Self.."

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Valentines day and political chit chat

Let all be enveloped with Love
Happy Valentines Day to all from Annie

9:38 am Wednesday
communicated by my Higher Self
“The start of Spring” (my Higher Self cheers me up while watching primary returns)

cassia bushes in Tucson and in my yard

Well Annie had very interesting evening last night. She went in to watch "Monk" reruns at 5 pm but they were ones she recently saw and didn't want to see again. The movie which was playing she didn't want to watch. And the Andy Griffiths episodes she had seen too many times.

So that left watching the primary returns for that Tuesday. The channel she usually watches it on, didn't even bother to put up Ron Paul's votes, so she switched to channel she hasn't watched in 10 years. But which she watched all the time 10 years ago. She knew all the people there, they are all familiar faces to her.

At first she was so downhearted at seeing Ron Paul back in low percents again, he had actually done very well in Saturday's primary. And she said to me, "Can't you do something about this? Every time I watch, all that happens is my heart gets broken. Isn't there some way for me to cheer up?" She really didn't think there was a way, she thought she would be in heartbreak till it wore off and she forgot about it.

But I said "Yes, I can make you very happy. Close your eyes, move over to the other side of the bed and listen very carefully." And then we had a long talk. I said "What if we looked at all this differently? What if we assumed that all the outcomes in both party primaries were just what I wanted to happen? What if everything is happening the way I want it to happen, and I want these outcomes? What does it mean for possible developments down the line? What is my goal in all of this? What purpose do these outcomes now serve?"

And then I was able to take her to a place very high up, where she could get such a panoramic overview, and be so far above what is going on this minute, and she could see a whole other picture. And I was able to show her a picture of what this all could lead to. And even she could see it was a great picture. Of course it is only a possibility and probability. All the key players have free will, and anything can happen. But it is a realistic picture, it could happen, maybe not in any of the specifics, but some of the broad outline. And Annie could see how it would mean thrilling and major developments. If it happened it would open door to lots of change. She became tremendously excited and elated. She became high.

And after that she watched everything on tv with interest. She watched the discussion of the primaries on the political channels. Even tho she found the political discussion interesting, all their political experts said what they saw coming down the line, she said "I don't find it as real as what you tell me." I said "that's because they don't see the same reality I do, they don't start in the same place, they are just in this moment, I see a whole picture."

She said "what you tell me could happen is so exciting and so interesting, how could I ever go back to my writing or trying to publish, the election is 9 months away, I would be riveted the whole time."

But it turns out she doesn't have to worry about that. Because again, for third morning in a row, she overslept, and again, for second morning in a row, her dreams were all about going back to her writing and to trying to publish. Her mind really does want to go in that direction now. Things are starting to look alive. Which is perfect time for it, because the yellow cassia bushes are busting into bloom all over Tucson, and they are the very first flowers to bloom in spring on the desert.

All my love to all of you, Annie's Higher Self

a cassia tree in full bloom

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